Chapter 10

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"He asked you to move in with him?" Sasha asked.
"Yeah" I said smiling from ear to ear.
"And you said yes?" Sasha had a concerned look on her face.
My smile began to fade, "Well yeah, why wouldn't I want to move in with my boyfriend"
"You don't think its a little too soon to be moving in with him, I mean it's a big step"
I look at her confused, "Since when were you anti-Daveed? You literally plotted on us 9 months ago with that 'get together' at the house"
"I'm not anti-Daveed, I just don't think it's a good idea to rush into something serious"
I scoffed, "well I'm sorry that my relationship isn't stagnant and boring like yours"
She glared at me, "you've changed"
"Oh shut up Sasha" I rolled my eyes
"You have, you do whatever he says and follow him around like a lost puppy"
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever... "
I stood up and walked out of the green room. Sasha and I have had heated debates before but never fought. I wiped the tear that fell down my face.

I went into the dressing room to start on my make up. I put my earphones in and played NWA. A while into my make up. Sasha came in and grabbed all of her make up that was right next to me and walked out of the room. I took a deep breath as to not let it get me worked up. After I finished my make up and put my costume on, I headed up to Daveed's dressing room. As I was walking up, I heard him asking questions and answering them. He must be doing a Facebook Q&A.

As I walked in, I rapped his part in "Washington on your side"
"I'm in the cabinet, I am complicit
And watching and grabbing the power and kiss it
If Washington isn't gon' listen to disciplined dissidents
This is the difference, this kid is out! OH!"
Daveed, shocked and amazed, laughed and threw his hands up for me to high five them and after I did, he pulled me into a hug.
"My girlfriend, Zinyla, ladies and gents" he said still chuckling.

"Hi guys!" I waved to the phone, smiling.
"She's gunning for my spot guys" he said jokingly
I laughed, "I am not" I read the comments that consisted of "omg hi Zin!" "I love you Zin!"
"Hi guys! I love you more!" I said.
"what an entrance" I laughed at that one, and read it out loud which then made Daveed laugh and he agreed.
"Every time I enter the room now, I will quote Lafayette or Jefferson" I said and continued to read the comments

"Zinyla, how does Daveed's hair feel?" I chuckled. "His hair is very soft and fluffy. Very full yet light. And yes it's very very fun to play in it" I answered.
"How long have you guys been dating? 9 beautiful months" I said and smiled at Daveed who kissed my temple.

"Well guys, I have to go so I can start getting ready for the show. As you can see I am behind" he said referring to me being fully ready.
I smiled, "bye guys!"
He ended the live and placed his phone down.

"So, did you tell Sasha about our big news?"
My energy fizzled and my smile faded as I remembered our fight. I sighed, "ummm yeah she doesn't think it's a good idea... so much so that we had a fight about it"

"Dang, I'm so sorry Zin" he walked over and pulled me into his bear hug. "I don't want to rush you into anything you don't want to do. If you don't think it's not the right ti—"
"No, you're not rushing me" I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I can't wait to move in with you" I smiled and he smiled back at me.
"I'm in love with you Daveed Diggs"
His eyes lit up and he grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. He broke the kiss and said
"I'm in love with you too Zinyla Belts"

"I know a place" I said to the guys.
"Lead the way bean" Raf said
"Don't call me bean" I scolded and Raf laughed.
I lead them through a short thicket of woods that opened up to a railroad track.

We walked along the track and talked about different things. It was mainly Raf and I talking since Daveed was a little down. Raf and I wanted to give him an adventure to help him feel better after Jalene broke up with him.

After a mile or so, I led them to a dirt path through the woods on the side of the tracks. We walked through and there's a cliff of overlooking the forrest. You could see the lights of New York City far in the distance.
I looked to Daveed to see his reaction and he looked amazed but remained silent.
"Woah" Raf said.
To our right was abandoned train car. We walked over and I hoisted myself up to sit down and the boys followed.
Raf turned on the speaker and played some music.
"Come on Diggs, drop a freestyle" Raf said.
"I'm not really in the mood man.."
I looked to him, genuinely concerned about the toll the breakup was taking on him.

"Listen, I know you're hurting, but look at it as a blessing in disguise. She was holding you back from you living your dreams and you shouldn't want anyone in your corner who doesn't believe in your goals Dav" I said as I held his hand. He looked down at our hands touching and looked at me. "We're in your corner and we believe in you"

"Right" Raf said. Daveed smiled a little, "Thanks guys"
"No problem Diggs, now excuse me because I have to pee" Raf got up and went around the corner of the train car.

"I was really excited about going to see 'In the Heights' I thought she was going to be really excited too...."

"Who wouldn't be excited to see 'In the heights' it's only the greatest production out right now" I said shaking my head staring out at the cliff. Daveed nodded in agreement and pondered for a moment. He then looked to me and said,

"Why don't you come with me?"
"Come see 'In the Heights' with me. Be my date" he said and smiled.

I smiled, "yeah, yes! I'll go with you"
"Awesome, I'll pick you up at 7"
"Cool" I said still smiling. I looked back out to the scenery. My heart was fluttering and I was trying my best to stay calm. My first date.

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