Chapter 23.

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"Are you sure you can't make it?" Sasha said in a sad voice over the phone.

"Yeah, my morning sickness is terrible today" I lied. Soak, Rafa and I were supposed to go to brunch but I couldn't possibly face Rafa after the dream I had about him the other night. I haven't stopped thinking about it since.

"Alright, we'll miss you. I'll bring some ginger ale later"

"Okay, see you then. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

We both hung up and I exhaled. "Why are you skipping out on brunch with your best friends"
Ari said walking out of the closet while pulling a shirt over her head.

"Not really in the mood to go out today"

She leaned on the bed and into my face  "Awww, how about when I get home from rehearsal, we can cuddle up and watch Christmas movies" she smiled brightly.

"Okay" I said with a puppy dog face. She gave me a couple of kisses before she said,

"Awesome!" She stood up and grabbed her stuff. "Ephraim is downstairs, I gotta go. I'll see you later love!" She walked out of the room.

"Bye" I said chuckling. I heard the front door open and close.

I got up and headed to the kitchen. I got mad at myself as I realized I would be missing out on really good food and now have to make my own.

After 30 minutes my waffles, eggs and sausage were ready. I went into the living room and sat on the couch chair. I turned the tv on and Modern Family was on so I decided to watch that. As soon as I finished eating, I walked over to the kitchen. When I placed the plate in the sink, there was a knock on my door. I went over and opened the door to see Sasha, Oak and Rafa. My heart dropped to my stomach.

"Surprise!" Oak said and smiled.

"You couldn't come out to brunch so we bought brunch to you!" Sasha said eagerly

"Aww thank you guys! I'm still not really hungry though" (because I literally just ate)

"That's okay, you don't have to eat it now but we still got you some because we knew you'd be mad that you missed out on the good food" Rafa said and chuckled.

We all laughed and Sasha hugged me and my belly before walking in. Oak followed and gave me a bear hug. Rafa walked in last and gave me a warm hug.
My heart fluttered, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I closed my eyes. It felt as if I could just melt on his chest.

"Hey nugget" he broke the hug and bent down to my belly's level. "Mini nuggets" he said and kissed my tummy. I immediately tensed up and took a couple steps back bumping into the door.

"You okay?" Rafa straightened up.

"Yeah, no Im good I'm fine" I stammered. "Just a little headache" I tittered.

"Oh let me help you to the couch" he said as he placed his hand on the small of my back.

"I can make it to the couch myself" I said quickly and moved away from his hand.

"O-okay" Rafa said.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. Sasha slid a foot stool over and I propped my legs up on it and thanked her.

Sasha and Oak sat together on the love seat while I sat on the couch and Rafa sat in the couch chair. Soak pulled their food out and Rafa did the same. He pulled out an extra box and said,

"This is for you, we got you the chicken omelet you wanted to try." I looked up and locked eyes with Rafa but I quickly looked away.

"Oh um thank you!"

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