Chapter 15.

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*Daveed's POV*

Straight to voicemail again. I didn't think my heart could hurt anymore than it does yet anytime I here the  automated voice, little pieces of my shattered heart shatter into tinier pieces. It's been 2 days and I miss her so much... I miss them so much.

I heard the door unlock and I hopped up. I expected to see Zin but instead Rafa walked through. I groaned and walked back to plop onto the couch.

"Yo Diggs!"

"Why did I give you a key to my house again?"

"Why wouldn't you?" He walked over to the couch and recoiled and covered his nose.

"Jeez Diggs, ever heard of a shower?... what's going on with you?"

I sighed. "Zinyla left me"

"What?!? Why?? I'm going to call her—" he pulled out his phone but I quickly snatched it.

"No... I... I kissed Jalene man"


"I'm excited to work with you!" Jamee, the producer, stood up and offered his hand to shake. Jalene was sitting next to him, containing her excitement.

I stood up and shook his hand, smiling. "Thank you, I'm looking forward to working with you too" we let our hands go before he gathered the rest of his things

"Well, I should be on my way. The misses doesn't want me out too late"

"Aw yeah man, I gotta get back to mine and tell her the good news. She's going to be so excited" I chuckled. I noticed Jalene's face change in my peripheral but I didn't really care.

"Congratulations, I'll see ya. Uh Jalene make sure you—"

"Email Thomas about the new change in character development, I know" she said with a warm smile.

"You're awesome" he smiled and left.

"Well it was good seeing you Jalene." I grabbed my things and started to walk away before she interjected.

"Wait! uh..It's been so long, don't you wanna catch up" she asked hopefully

"Sure. I was on my way to the subway, did you want to walk with me?"

"Sure" she smiled and followed me out. We walked down the street in silence for a minute before she spoke, "So... you're married now?" She peeked up at me.

My heart dropped as I realized it would be awkward to tell her that I'm now dating my best friend from college. "Umm well we're not married yet" I chuckled, "but Uh yeah actually Zinyla, from college... We've been dating for a while now"

"Really??" She looked upset but she covered it up as though she was surprised, "well I mean I guess I can't be surprised.. you guys were always so close and had so much in common..." she was staring ahead as if she was in deep thought. We were quiet for a minute.

As we were walking, she talked about how she went to grad school for journalism and how she's worked for Essence and buzz feed; now she has a job as a writer for the new movie I was just casted in. She said I inspired her to follow her dreams and after I broke up with her, her outlook on life changed.

"Also, I just want to say how proud of you I am. I wasn't right for crushing your dreams, it's something I still lay up at night regretting" she stopped us and stared into my eyes.

"It's fine, no hard feelings" I genuinely meant it. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug; I hugged her back. She pulled away with her arms still around me and looked into my eyes. She pressed her lips to mine and I was taken aback for a second before I kissed her back. I never thought I would miss the way her lips feel; how she feels in my arms. Zin popped into my head and I quickly pushed Jalene off of me.

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