Chapter 12

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*10 months later*

It was Daveed's final show. It was truly bittersweet as I won't be walking into work with my boyfriend everyday and kissing him on stage in front of a thousand people every night. He wasn't sad, he was excited and hopeful.

At the end of the show we did our usual bows and then stepped back as Daveed stayed forward. The crowd roared acknowledging his genius work done in the musical. I shed a tear watching him humbly accept the applauses from the crowd. Sydney moved him to the center of the stage and the crowd roared again. Watching him smile and thank the crowd warmed my heart.

Backstage, I checked my phone and I got a text from Raf,
Rafaaaa 🔥: otw to the house to set up

Me: awesome!

I took a shower at the theatre after the show, since I was taking Dav out to eat right after. He did the same and we were on our way. I surprised him by taking him to the same restaurant that we went to on our first date. He laughed when he saw me walk up to the door.

I had grilled chicken and asparagus and he had steak and broccoli. We talked about how he felt like he was reclaiming his name by stepping away from Hamilton and I understood every word he meant. He didn't want to be known to world as Lafayette or Jefferson, he wants to branch out and show the world his other talents and he has every right to do so.

The bill came and we reached for it at the same time. We made eye contact as if it became a western showdown.
"That's okay baby, it's on me" I said as I tried to pull it away but he had a grip on it.
"Don't worry about it dear, I'll pay" he said as he pulled back but I tightened my grip.
We had a minimal tug of war and of course he won because he's stronger. He winked at me and smirked and I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

I took out my phone and texted the secret group chat I had set up last week for Daveed's surprise party:

Me: we're about to leave the restaurant! Be there in 20!

Big sis Reneé: woo!

Lin (not my son): you got the breadsticks??

Sasha Basha: as if she'd give them to you

Lin (not my son): why wouldn't she?

Oak treeee: I'm the best friend, if anything I'd get them 😎

Lin (not my son): hand over the bread sticks and your precious surprise party won't be soiled.

Me: 😱 jeez you're evil

Ant Laurens: alright Alexander, you can step out of character now.

I laughed at the message and it caught Daveed's attention.
"Who you texting?" He said.
"Sasha, she's just asking about breadsticks"  I lied. "You ready to go home?"

"Yeah lets go little lady"
I generously tipped the waiter and we left. We arrived at the house in 15 minutes, I texted the group chat that we were about to walk in before I got out the car.

Daveed walked around and opened the door for me. I hopped out and held his hand as we walked up to the house.
"Babe I left my key, this morning. Can you use yours?"
"Yeah no problem"

He inserted the key and unlocked the door. I pulled out my phone to record. He walked through the threshold and turned on the light.

"SURPRISE" everyone yelled.
Daveed jumped and put his hand on his chest. He started laughing and bent over in bashfulness. Everyone started laughing and cheering. He turned around and hugged me so tight.
"Gotcha!" I said softly in his ear.
He pulled away and kissed me. I saw a tear fall down his face and he quickly wiped it before he turned around and started greeting everyone.

The night went on celebrating Daveed. There was a DJ in the living room and everyone was mingling or dancing. Daveed and I were on the dance floor, the song ended and the DJ motioned me to come up to the table. I went up and grabbed the mic,
"Hey guys! I'm glad everyone is having a great time especially the man of the hour."
Everyone cheered as Daveed smiled.

"He may be the man of the hour to you all, but he is my man for a lifetime and then some. I appreciate you for everything you do and you are one of the most inspirational beings to ever walk this earth. The amount of influence and importance of your role in the musical is so unique and powerful and so heavy that honestly, the show won't be the same without you"

Everyone in the house applauded and agreed. Daveed stared at me teary eyed.

"So this is to Daveed, and may he influence and change this world. Show out baby!" I smiled. Everyone cheered and whooped for Daveed as I walked back over to him.

"I'm in love with you" he said.
"And I'm in love with you" I smiled and we kissed.

The night has came to an end and we were seeing people out the door.
"Amazing party Zin! Congratulations Diggs!" Chris said as he patted Dav on the back.

Lin walked up and scolded me. "I see you forgot the bread sticks"

I laughed, "We ate all the bread sticks Lin, I'm sorry"

"Hmm.. well congratulations Daveed, thank you for your talent"

"Appreciate you man, thank you for this opportunity" Daveed smiled.

Lin looked back to me and his smile dropped, "Zinyla" he simply said and walked out the door.

Daveed and I laughed as I closed the door.

"Whew! It's over" I said, "I'm so tired"

Dav chuckled, "let's go to bed mamas" he picked me up and I nuzzled into his chest. We went upstairs with Soccer following behind.

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