Chapter 28.

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*Zin's POV*

After I fixed some breakfast... well now it'd be lunch I guess.. I walked into the family room and stared at the pile of broken pieces by the wall. The entire situation replayed in my mind from the moment we kissed to the moment he stormed out. Tears started to form in my eyes and I shook it off. I took out my phone and pulled up Spotify. I pressed shuffle and Kali Uchis came on. Her voice calmed me down and I picked up the broom and walked over to sweep up the mess.

After I dumped the pieces in the trash, there was a knock on my door. My heart started to race because I knew that could only be the person I do not want to see right now. I remained frozen and only stared at the door. He knocked again and I didn't move.

"Zin, it's me Daveed open up" the door said.

I relaxed and exhaled as I relieved that it wasn't Rafa after all. I put the broom back in the corner and walked over to answer the door. I opened the door to see Dav standing there. His hair was braided and up in a bun.
I didn't realize I was smiling until I spoke, "hey" I contained my smile.

He smiled, "hey" he stared at me and my smile reappeared.

"Oh! Come in." I said and stepped to the side. He walked in and looked around.

"Wow. Nice place." He turned around to look at me.

"Thanks!" I smiled while looking around admiring my interior design skills.

"So uh.. I came here to uh.. check on you and talk to you.. I uh— heard about... you and Ari.."

I felt the blood flush from my face. "You did..?"

"Umm, yeah.. Giselle ran into her today, she said that you lied and cheated..."

I closed my eyes and dropped my head as I exhaled. He continued,

"I just wanted to check on you and see if you were good.." Dav shoved his hands in his pockets.

I wiped a tear that fell from my face and lifted my head, "I'm fine.."

Daveed stared at me for a moment, then he started to approach me. He pulled me into a hug and held me tight. I savored the moment of being in his arms and feeling secure. A tear fell.. and then another. I burried my face in his chest and began to sob but I couldn't tell you what I was crying over specifically. Whether it was because of Ari or Rafa or Daveed... or a culmination of everything. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my forehead.

"Let's sit you down" he guided me to the couch.

"Stupid hormones" I said as I sat on the couch. Dav chuckled.

"You miss her huh?" He asked leaning forward on his knees. I nodded.

"And.. I bet your only wish is for her to at least hear you out. Right?"

I looked at Daveed who had a caring look in his eyes. I realized I'm now in Dav's shoes and to be pushed away like that without even explaining your side hurts. Karma is funny.

"Dav.. I'm sorry" I grabbed his hand, "I'm so sorry I just shut you out and ended things without even hearing you. I was hurt and—"

"You literally don't have to apologize. I broke your heart, it was only natural for you to react that way. Same thing with Ari. All you can do is give her time." He squeezed my hand.

I was taking in all of his features while he was talking. He's so fricking cute and so sweet. He would never threaten me or make me feel unsafe. I love him... but I told him that we should stay friends.. and he loves Giselle now... At least I keep his eyes in my life.

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