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It took two weeks but Zinyla finally recovered and was released from the hospital. She stayed with Daveed for a couple weeks as they both learned how to be parents.

The elephant in the room was the least of their worries as they managed to take care of two new born babies. And the time they did have to themselves, they spent sleeping. One day, they had finally gotten the babies down for a nap. Zinyla was in the kitchen washing dishes when Daveed walked in.

"I'm convinced Zav hates naps. I'm sure he thinks it's his arch nemisis" he said sitting at the counter and laying his head in his arms. Zinyla laughed while she placed a baby bottle in the dishwasher.

"Yeah. His nap-nemisis" she joked back and he chuckled. She glanced up at him who was still resting his head in his arms. He then sat up and saw that she was still cleaning dishes.

"I should help you with that" he said.

"No, it's fine. I'm almost done" she said.

He didn't listen and continued his way around the counter, grabbed and rag and dish and proceeded to clean. There was a long silence between them, only the sound of running water and dishes filled the room.   Soon Dav's phone rang and he wiped his hands off to answer the phone.

"Hey baby... everything's smooth at the moment, we just put the babies down for a nap, are you still—... aww man really?... no it's fine, I could use this time to catch up on sleep... okay I will... I love you too.. bye"

Zin winced to the those three words coming out of Dav's mouth. She kept her focus on washing the dishes. Dav placed the phone done and glanced over at Zin who was placing a dish in the dish washer. 

"Awwww" she mocked playfully looking up at him. He smirked but it quickly faded. Zin's playful energy faded and she looked at the now empty sink.

"I know I.. just told Giselle that I love her... but I still can't get over you and Rafa—"

"I know." Their eyes met and Zin had every ounce of remorse in her eyes. "I know, and that's why we were— well I was so scared to tell you. You weren't supposed to find out that way."

"So... you guys really love each other?"

"Yeah" a smile tugged at her lips. Daveed realized his selfish feelings and had a change of heart. He nodded in approval.

"And here I am, getting in the way of that. I'm sorry. It shouldn't matter to me anyway. After all, we are better off as friends, right?"

The was a stillness in the air, silence washed over the room as they didn't break eye contact. Their focus deepened into each other before Zinyla smiled softly and nodded,

"Right" she responded. Daveed nodded in agreement.

"Well, I guess I should get an "I'm sorry brother" edible arrangement ready for delivery anddd make a call in the mean time" they both chuckled at his statement.

"Oh please do, I feel like America's Most Wanted for breaking up Bonnie and Clyde"

"I'm Clyde obviously... right?"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" she patted him on the shoulder and laughed as Daveed's eyes narrowed.

"Well, whatever. Go catch your 'white' in shining armor" he joked. She laughed and playfully pushed him making him laugh. He grabbed his phone and went upstairs and Zin went into the family room.

She plopped on the couch as she opened up her messages and looked for his name. Once she found and opened the thread, she typed up a simple 'Hey'. Zin's finger moved up to the send button but she paused for a moment. She forced her thumb down and the message sent. She exhaled as she closed out the app and opened Instagram. She started to scroll but stopped as she came across a post that made her lose her breath.

It was Rafa and Stella posed up together on what looks to be a cruise ship. The title was captioned 'baecation 🌞❤️'. Zin's heart shattered into a million pieces but at the same time she was accepting of it. She understood that she pushed Rafa away and that he had every right to move on. She closed out the app and laid down on the couch. As she rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes, she could only think of 5 words: "I will never be satisfied."

The End.


Thank you guys so much for reading my story! Its only a few of you but that's why it means so much to me!  :')  if you're reading this, I love you <3333

<3 Special shout out to:





For voting, commenting and adding this story to your reading lists! <3 I love you guyth! :)

(I know I'm missing a couple but the notifications only let me scroll but so far :( if you're a #Day1 shout yourself out in the comments! You know who you are and I <3 you and thank you!!!)


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