Chapter 2.

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Hopping on the train, we saw Oak. Sasha ran up and greeted him with a hug and kiss. They mumbled their good morning 'I love you's to each other.
"Good morning Zin" he said.
"good morning Oak!"
I also met Oak at NYU. Sasha and Oak were only best friends back then and they took the new girl in like a lost puppy.

I always noticed the tension between them and always wondered when they were going to give in to each other. Graduation came and Oak asked her out on a date. "FINALLY!" I exclaimed exhaustedly.

I couldn't be more happy for them, I was routing for them leading up to the moment. I do miss making sexual innuendos to them about the other to make them blush and look askance. Good times.

"You excited for today" Oak asked as he pulled Sasha onto his lap.
"Yeah, super!" I couldn't help but think of the weird feeling, it's growing more and more and the minutes went by.

I realized it turned from excitement to anxiety when I looked down and noticed my leg bouncing. I stretched my legs out to make it stop.

"So Mr. lead role, I should be asking if YOU are nervous" I said to distract myself.

"nahh I read over my lines as much as I could last night to be prepared." He said as Sasha smiled at him admiring his organizational skills before she turned to me,

"stop being so nonchalant Ms. Angelica Schuyler!!" "-Understudy" I cut her off.
I thought about the storyline of the character, Angelica. We're common her and I. As we were both in love with someone who with someone else.

"Whatever, it's still a huge deal and I am so proud of you, of both of you" she looked back at Oak and kissed his forehead.

I admire them so much. They took their time getting to know one another and their love just comes so naturally. I can't wait to experience that.

"And we're proud of you!" He said back to her.
"So so proud bratz" I added. We hopped off the train and started walking.

About 10 minutes later we reached the building. the Richard Rogers theatre. I stared at it, memories trying to creep up and my heart rate begins to elevate. This is the same theatre where my first date with Da— no don't say his name and don't think about it. Suppress. New memories, new beginnings.

I took a deep breathe and walked in the lobby. It's just as I remember it, seems bigger since there aren't thousands of the public standing around. We step into the theatre and my heart flutters. The beautiful structure and the ceiling, ughh that ceiling. My favorite part of the theatre besides the stage. Hey there's the angel with the little pee pee that Da— No. new beginnings. New memories. New peo—

"Zynger" I heard a deep, familiar voice that sent chills up my spine. I thought I was dreaming.. I had to be. No one called me that except for one person. I looked down and saw the familiar face staring at me, in shock and disarray. That fro, larger and more luscious. The muscles more defined and toned. Those eyes... Those lips...

{I know, I know the production didn't start on broadway right away. But again, the story is not going to be accurate to real life details}

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