Chapter 4.

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*October 2008: Brown University*

I was back stage, lacing up my pointe shoes getting ready to run the dance scene with the theatre majors. Dance and Theatre majors collaborated a lot when it came to productions, so this was nothing special.

"So, how do those work exactly? You literally stand on your toes in them things?" I heard a voice say. I look up to see a man sitting in the chair reading over his script. He had a small fro as if he was either growing his hair out or just long overdue for a haircut

I laughed. "Well yeah, I use these jellies over my feet to provide a little cushion" I held one of them up to show him.

"I will never understand why someone would voluntarily put themselves through pain like that"

"Well, you become numb to the feeling after a while and two, beauty comes with a price"

"You never said one"


"You said 'and two' but never said one. I'm Daveed by the way"

I couldn't help but giggle, "Zynila"


The time was 1:00 pm and it was time for lunch. Most of the cast left out to get something to eat but with me being prepared I did not need to leave. I sat in the quiet auditorium and took in the scenery. Once I finished my salad, I had nothing else to do I decided to explore the building.

Thrilled by my idea, I hopped up and went backstage. I followed hallways and opened doors that allowed themselves to open. Nothing out of the ordinary but dressing rooms and prop closets.

I decided to go up these stairs that were stage right. It led you to the 2nd floor of the set on stage but it also kept going up so I followed the steps. When I got to the top, it was slightly dark but my eyes adjusted I walked down the narrow bridge passing lights of different colors. I heard a clank and froze in my tracks. If a stage crew member was up here I am fucked.
"Shit" I heard.
"Hello?" I decided to yell out.
"Oh fuck" I heard the person whisper. I couldnt help but laugh at the person's reaction to my voice. Maybe they thought I was a crew member. I took a couple of steps closer when a tall, fair skinned man walked around the corner with his hands up.
"Yeah I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I was just exploring the building and I stumbled over some cords and light fell and broke—"
He stopped talking when he realized my confused yet amused face.
"You're not a stage crew member are you?"
"Phew! okay great! well are you good at keeping secrets"
"Awesome! Well if you're not apart of the crew you must be apart of the cast. Jonathan Groff, King George iii and you my dear?"
I giggled and curtsied, "Zynila Belts. Dancer/Angelica understudy"
I smiled at Jonathan and he returned the gesture.
"Well Groff, can I call you Groff?"
"Gracefully! May I call you Belts?"
"Elegantly! Since we both are great explorers of this great theatre. Would you like to explore some more with me?"
"I would love to!" He said as he offered his arm. I giggled and took his arm and we started to walk toward the direction from wince he came but realized we should turn around to avoid the broken light and never speak of it again.

It was 1:58 when Groff and I walked on stage. All of the cast had made their way back in the audience. I climbed off stage and looked around for Sasha. I spotted her talking and made my way over to her.
"Hey Groff, come meet my best friend" as it was more of a demand then a suggestion because I already started dragging him with me.
"Okay" he agreed. I sat next to her.
"Sasha, Groff. Groff, Sasha"
Sasha smiled and shook his hand. They exchanged greetings before she introduced me to her new friends.
"Zyn, this is Jasmine and Reneé. Reneé, this is my friend I was telling you about who is your understudy!"
I smiled and shook both of their hands. I gasped when I shook Reneé's.
"Nice to meet you. I can't wait to work with you!" I said.
"Nice to meet you too! I know this is going to be exciting! Love the hair by the way."
"Thanks girl!"
"Yeah girl your curls are poplin'!" Jasmine added.
"Aww thanks! All props to Sash because I always use her products!" I said and all the girls laughed as Sash playfully rolled her eyes.

After rehearsal, Daveed and I went to a coffee shop 3 blocks away. We talked about how well today's rehearsal went and how excited we are about the show. An awkward silence fell after. We didn't dare address the elephant in the room.

"You know.." I said breaking the silence. "I never thought I'd see your fro recover after that incident with the clippers from sophomore year." I said as I chuckled.
"Wooowwww I thought we made a pact to never speak on that again but I see how it is and btw, when was the last time you paid your respects to my stove? Poor thing didn't know what was coming to him"

I covered my mouth with my fist as I said "ooohhhh" and bust out laughing and Daveed joined. "Touché my friend" I finally said. "Ooouuu!! How's Raf?"

"Raf is Raf." We both chuckled at that statement. "We finally started writing the movie we talked about all through college"

"Really?? That's great!"

"Yeah but I'm not so sure how writing is going to continue with the musical taking up all of my time now."

The conversation between us flowed with memories from college and laughs. We didn't realize how long we were talking until I look at my phone. "12:43 am" it read. under it was a text from Sasha checking on me.

"Jeez time really slipped from us" I said. "Yeah" Daveed said as he looked around at the empty coffee shop. There was one employee left leaning over the counter on his phone. He was clearly waiting for us to leave to close up shop. We apologized, tipped him and headed out the door.

"I can give you a ride home, where do you stay?" Daveed asked.
"Oh no that's okay, I'll take the subway"
"don't be ridiculous, hop in" and so I did. "Long time no see Jerald" (the name of his black, two-door wrangler Jeep)
"what happened to Indi?"
"She's still running just fine, I just don't drive her as much bc of city traffic. I can get where I need to go faster by walking and catching the subway" this made him laugh.

"I don't think it's that bad, but I know you can't sit in one spot for over 2 minutes" that was true. Traffic pissed me off because all you have to do is driveeeee. We talked about our theories of traffic until we arrived at my apartment building. "Thank you for the ride 3D"
"wow I haven't heard that nickname in a minute" he smiled and chuckled. "See you tomorrow Zynger"
I smiled and said "see ya" hopped out the car and went upstairs. I walked in and the house was quiet. Sasha must be sleep already. I tip toe past her room and made it mine right when I heard a door open behind me.

I closed my eyes and dropped my head because my sneaking skills suck. I turned around and saw Oak leaning against the door frame.
"Sup kid"
"don't 'sup kid' me. You never told me you knew Daveed" I whisper screamed at him and took a couple steps closer.
"You never told me his name" he whispered back. I rolled my eyes, turned around to proceed to my door. He had a point. When I told him the brief version of why I moved to New York, my senior year of college, I only said this guy.

"From the looks of it you guys are back friends again so that's good right?" He said after he closed the door to Sasha's room.
"I mean yeah, I didn't realize how much I missed his friendship" I said.
"Well, he really missed you too. We went out to lunch together along with Lin and Anthony and he was just venting about how he messed things up between you too and how this is another chance from God and that he's never letting you go this time...."

"Huh." I hovered over that for a moment. He really said that?
"Yeah but I'm about to get back in bed. See you in the morning kid"  Oak yawned and went back into the room.
"Wait how are you gonna drop something on me like that and just go to bed" I whisper screamed.
"Goodnight Zyn." The door closed.

I rolled my eyes, turned around and entered my bedroom. As I laid in bed I thought about the day, mainly the parts that consisted of
Daveed as I watched the fan twirl above me. Before I knew it I was asleep.

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