Chapter 26.

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*2 days later*

Sasha and I just arrived back to my house from shopping for baby clothes. We walked into my room and placed the bags on my bed. We started to unpack and put away the clothes in the babies bins.

"Soo.. how's you and Oak?" I asked.

"We're good" her tone sounded unsure and I turned to her and raised a brow.

She sighed and turned around, "it's just... I discovered last night that he wants kids... and you know I don't want them. So I mean I don't know what that'll mean for our future" she looked down at her fiddling hands.

I put the clothes down and walked over to hug her. "I mean sweetie, you guys are still young. And just because you guys have opinions now doesn't mean they'll change down the line. Maybe he won't want kids or maybe you'll realize you do want kids. But don't stress about it. You guys are a great couple and whether you guys disagree on kids, won't break you up. Oak loves you too much" I pulled away and smiled brightly at her. She smiled shyly and looked down again.

I lifted her head, "don't drop your crown girl" we both giggled.

"Thanks Zin, I really appreciate you" she smiled warmly.

"Girl it's no problem"

"So enough about me, have you heard from Rafa?"

I tapped my phone screen to see no new notifications."No, I texted him earlier but he hasn't responded. I hope he's okay"

Later that night, I just finished folding my clothes and I checked my phone hoping to see Rafa's name but I didn't. There was a knock on my door and I rushed out to the living room to answer. I opened the door to see exactly who I wanted to see, Rafa.

"Rafa!" I slapped his arm. "Why didn't you text me back? I was getting worried!" I scolded him. He grinned and then licked his lips as he scanned my body. I glanced away as my cheeks burned.

"I'm sorry mommy" he said as he grabbed my waist to pull me closer. He started to lean in and I stopped him. His breath reeked of alcohol.

"What are you doing?" I said pushing him away.

"I'm greeting my girl"

"You're drunk" I folded my arms and glared. "And I'm not your girl, that's actually what I wanted to talk about..." I looked away for a second, "but we'll talk in the morning when you're sober. Give me your keys." I said holding my hand out.

"Wait what do you mean you're not mine. You love me right?" His words slurred together.

I looked into his eyes and I felt helpless. I wanted to say yes so bad, "this is a conversation for the morning like I said before, give me your keys Raf"

"No I wanna talk about it now." He walked in and I huffed as I closed the door.

"Rafa, it's late and you're drunk. There's no way we can have a serious conversation right now"

"I want to know if you love me" Rafa turned around and looked me in my eyes. I sharply inhaled as I stared back. I struggled to speak,

"Rafa, this isn't the tim-" my voice shook.

"Say it" he growled as he stepped closer.

My heart started beating faster as I exhaled helplessly. I stared into his eyes, "I..."
His hands cupped my face, "I.. love you" I whispered and he kissed me passionately. His hands moved to my waist as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Before I knew it, i deepened the kiss and melted into his arms. My hands moved to his cheeks as I gave him one last lingering kiss before I pulled away. Our eyes fluttered open and a smile crept on his face.

"Jack?" I asked tasting my lips.

"Yeah" he chuckled as he stared at me lovingly. "You don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you like that"

I blushed and then I soon remembered that I have to tell him the truth. He started to lean in again but I leaned back

"Umm, that's actually what I needed to talk to you about" I looked down and glanced up at him.

His smiled faded as I spoke, "we cant..." I took a deep breath before I continued, "I think we should remain friends."


"Because it would only make things more complicated between us and Daveed and—" Rafa scoffed as he shook his head.

"It's not fair." He mumbled, "I waited.. for so long to finally be with you and now I have the chance.. I-I can't?" Anger grew in his voice and I started to get nervous.
"I watched as Daveed got to have you. I watched as Ari got to have you, now it's finally my turn and you're saying you can't be mine!" He yelled

I started to get angry, "well I'm not just some trophy Rafa! I don't belong to anyone! No one owns me!" I shouted

"WHATEVER. I WAITED ALL THIS TIME TO NEVER GET WHAT I WANT. FUCK THIS" he grabbed the vase on my coffee table and threw it at the wall. I screamed as the loud sound of shattering glass erupted throughout my apartment. So many waves of emotion came over me, I was scared and yet angry at Rafa's behavior, so much so that I started to shake.

"GET OUT" I gritted through my teeth. Tears started to fall down my cheeks but I wiped them aggressively.

Rafa stared at me with a scold. 

"GO! GET OUT!" I pushed him as hard as I could and it surprised him. He glanced over at the mess before returning his focus on me.

He stormed out of my apartment slamming the door behind him. As I exhaled, tears streamed down my face. It seemed as if I exhaled all of the strength out of me because I broke down right there.

I woke up the next morning in my bed, I looked at my clock to see it was 12:34 pm. I had 11 missed calls from Rafa, 2 missed calls from Sasha and a text from Daveed. I unlocked my phone to read his message.

"Hey, was wondering if you and Ari wanted to go out to lunch with Giselle and I? Lmk"

Shit. I have to come up with a lie.

"Can't, Ari still isn't feeling well. I have to stay here and take care of her" I replied.
I don't know why I can't just tell him the truth about me and Ari, I guess because it could lead to me telling him about me and Rafa.

I pressed send and tossed my phone on the bed. I climbed out of bed to get ready for the day.


How do you guys feel about a sequel? Just a thought. Lmk

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