Chapter 21.

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*1 month later*
*Zin's POV*

"Thanks for coming with me to my check up Rafa" I said as he held the door open for me as we were leaving the doctors office

"It's not a problem nugget" he smiled.

"I have to send these pictures to Ari. She was so upset that she couldn't be here." I said as I pulled out my phone.

"Well there are pictures and 2 more check up appointments before you're due. She'll be okay" Rafa chuckled, "plus, I'm here to protect you. She knows you're in good hands" Rafa straightened up and smiled proudly.

I giggled, "I am in good hands aren't I?" I looked up and smiled at him.

"So, you hungry?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I'm hungry!"

He chuckled, "my fault"


We arrived at our favorite Italian place and Rafa opened the door to let me out. We walked in and walked right up to the counter.

"Welcome to Emiliano's! Will you guys be dining in or carrying out?"

"Carry out" Rafa said.

"Okay and what can I get you?"

"I'll get the lasagna with asparagus and she'll have the Chicken Alfredo with steamed broccoli no tomatoes, no garlic."

"Okay! It'll be about 20 minutes." The waitress smiled and walked away.

We made our way over to an empty table right outside the restaurant. I eased my way into the chair as Raf sat across from me.

"How long have you known my order by heart?" I asked slightly impressed.

"Ever since you had that hissy fit when they left tomatoes in your sauce" he said, I laughed and tossed a balled napkin at him.

"...have you heard from Daveed?" Rafa said glancing over at me.

"No. He obviously forgot.. probably spending so much time with Giselle. And don't get me wrong, I'm actually happy for them. But if Daveed can't attend to his responsibilities and be there for his kids, then she has to go" I shrugged.

"Zin you can't control his love life. You're the mother to his children, not to him. Look, I'll talk to him, okay?"

"Fine." I said as I watched the busy street.

"Order for Rafa!" The waitress called out. We got up and walked over to get our food.

"Here you are sir. And by the way, congratulations! Your guys make such a cute family!"

We both started to laugh nervously and stammer,
"Oh we're not.."

"Yeah she's not...we're not.."

"We aren't.. a couple" I said chuckling nervously.

"Just close friends" Rafa added and cleared his throat.

"Oh" the waitress' eyes widened, "oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know"

"It's okay, it was an honest mistake" I said reassuring her with a smile.

"Have a nice day" Rafa said and we walked back to the car.

The ride back to my house was quiet and the air was weird. I didn't know if I should break the silence or stay quiet.

"That was funny" Rafa said finally breaking the silence. I exhaled and giggled,

"Yeah I know right. People see a pregnant lady and a man together and automatically assume they're a family" I said as I rubbed my belly.

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