Chapter 19.

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*1 month later*

I was getting dressed for Sasha's dinner, I wore a black dress and wore a black bob. I heard the front door open and close, "yo, you ready nugget?" Raf called out.

"Yeah, I'll be there in just a minute" I yelled back. I was finishing up my hair in the mirror when I heard the refrigerator door open.

"Boy close the refrigerator, we're literally about to go eat"  I heard Rafa groan and I laughed. I grabbed my gold clutch and Sasha's present before taking one last glance at my look before walking out.

"Wow you look amazing" Rafa said before biting into an apple.

I gave Rafa a "what did I just say?" look, "hey you said close the fridge you didn't say put whatever you grabbed back" he spoke through a mouth full of apple.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "let's just go" he took Sasha's present out of my hands and opened the door for me and we headed to the restaurant.

When we arrived, most of the cast was standing outside of the restaurant. After Raf parked, we walked up toward everyone. I saw Ari talking to Sydney and I started to smile. Things have been progressing between Ari and I, we're not official yet but we've gotten really close over this past month. I walked up behind her and covered her eyes. She reached up and felt my hands,

"I know it's you Zin" she giggled. She pulled my hands down and turned around to hug me.

"I missed you" I giggled. She pulled away with a smile, "I missed you too"

"Zin!! Hamilbabies!!"

I turned to see Ephraim and I squealed, "Eph!!!!"
I hugged him tight.
"How are you? How are the babies?"

"We're good, just the three of us all living in my body" we all laughed.

"Where's Daveed?" Eph asked looking around.

"Oh he's running late.. you know how he has to primp and preen"
Eph laughed as I noticed Ari fidget from the corner of my eye but I ignored it.

We went inside to sit down at our table. Ari pulled out my chair for me and I smiled and thanked her. Rafa plopped down on the other side of me when I saw Daveed walk in. I watched him as he greeted everyone around the table. He walked over to me and pecked me on the forehead. I smiled, "Hi" I said.

"Hey" he smiled back. He sat down on the other side of Rafa and dapped him up. After light conversation with Thayne who was sitting across from me, we saw Sasha walk in with Oak. I choked on my air and everyone gasped and awed. She was stunningly beautiful! Oak pulled out her chair for her at the head of the table and took the first end seat. "You are bad mamas!" I said and she giggled, "thank you love"

Dinner was normal. We talked and laughed through the night. The waiters and waitresses walked out singing happy birthday with sparklers a chocolate cake decorated with butterflies. The table joined in and I pulled out my phone to record.

As we were leaving, I decided to ride back to Sasha's with Ari. I let Rafa know and we left. In the car, Ari was kind of quiet.

"Are you okay hun?" I asked.

"Umm... no" she decided to be honest

"What's wrong?"

"Why pretend that you and Daveed are still together? You have me now"

"I just don't want hamilfam to hate him"

"Okay but we're getting pretty serious, don't you think it's time to be honest with everyone?"

"You're absolutely right. I'm sorry for being inconsiderate love" I kissed her hand.

She looked at me and smiled before she turned focus back to driving.

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