Chapter 13.

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*New York City 2012*

Daveed and I were walking up to my apartment building as our date was coming to an end.
"I'm just saying, if a penis can be that small, it's not a penis" he said as I was crying laughing.

"Give him a break, he's a baby... and a painting on a ceiling" I said after I calmed down.
He chuckled, "alright alright, I'll let it slide" he shrugged. "But I really did have fun tonight. The funnest night I've had in a while"

I smiled, "thank you for inviting me, I had the time of my life tonight too!" My heart started to race as I knew what was to come next, but I didn't dare cross that boundary with my best friend.

I reached up and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed and stared at me intently as I stared back. My face started to get hot as I saw him step closer. He grabbed my face and pressed his lips against mine. I immediately gave in to him and cupped his face with my hands as well. His hands moved to my hips and he pulled my body closer to his. After a couple more seconds, I break the kiss trying to process everything that is happening. We stayed close to each other, our faces inches apart.

"Wow...." I tried to gather more words but nothing was forming. My brain was going into overdrive

"Yeah" he smiled. We lingered for a moment and I needed his lips again. I kissed him passionately and this time it deepened. So there we were, making out outside of my apartment building.


I woke up this morning thinking of me and Dav's first date for some reason. It gave me a warm feeling and I couldn't help but smile. The memory played over and over in my mind throughout the day.

I was downstairs in the kitchen cooking chicken and rice for Soccer. Daveed was upstairs on a business video call but he left his phone down here on the kitchen counter. I heard it ding but I didn't bother to look at who it was, I added a little seasoning on the chicken to give it flavor. The reminder ding rang as I was walking past his phone; I happened to look down at the screen. That's when my heart dropped to my stomach.

Jalene's name sat there on the screen, the message reading under it, "I had so much fun yesterday 😉"
My heart felt like it shattered and was set on fire.
Yesterday? What did they do yesterday? He didn't tell me he was meeting her? Why didn't he tell me? Why the fuck is there a wink face???

My mind racing a mile a minute, I started to feel woozy so I sit down at the counter. I sat watching the chicken cook in the pan. I was trying my best to stay calm and not jump to conclusions. Do I even say something? Because then he'll know I was snooping even though I wasn't, the message was on the screen for the world to see.

"Baby" I heard his voice coming closer, I shuttered thinking of him potentially being a cheater. He walked into the kitchen and kissed me tenderly. I close my eyes, giving in to his soft kisses. I'm such a sucker for him

"You okay?" He asked walking around the counter to his phone. He taps the screen and I watch him as his face flushed. He glanced at me and locked his phone.

"Peachy" I simply say when in reality I feel sick to my stomach. I get up to go check on the chicken.

"Okay" he knows I'm lying and doesn't even try to get the truth out of me. He knows that I know. "Did you want to go on a walk tod—"

"Where'd you go yesterday?"
There was a silence and the air felt thick. it felt like hours passed before he spoke.

"I told you.. I went to the studio with Rafa" he said. His voice was solid but his face told it all. I stared into his eyes that were filled with regret. I stared at him for what seemed like an eternity, my heart disintegrating by the second. I can't believe he is lying to my face. I feel my spirit crushing as I'm fighting back tears and trying to keep my voice steady as I say "ok" I turn back to turn the stove off and move the chicken to the plate.

"....Zin—" he steps towards me.

"I have to finish Soccer's food" I say as I'm slicing the chicken. My vision is blurry with tears as I am cutting.

"Baby let's put the knife down and talk for a minute" he says still approaching me.
"Daveed please just leave, I'm trying to focus" my voice gets shakier with every word.
"You're distraught and you have a sharp object, just put it do-"
"Daveed this isn't the time to sta-" I instantly feel pain piercing the side of my left thumb. My hand starts trembling as I hold it up and see blood gushing out of my thumb.

"ZINYLA" Daveed screams and grabs my hand. He starts scrambling around the house to find a first aid kit. I can no longer hear anything. Tears streamed down my face but I couldn't scream out in pain. I just stood there. I see Daveed scramble through the first aid kit. He's yelling something but I'm not sure what. He starts pressing gauze to the wound. I think at one point I see his mouth say "you need stitches"

The next thing I know we're in the car, speeding down the street. I want to tell him to slow down but words won't escape my throat. He shakes me but I don't even turn to look at him. We arrive at the hospital and Dav checks in for me. As we waited in the waiting room, he tries to talk me but I still can't hear him or anything, nor can I react. I just sit there, dazed as tears started to fall down my face again. I couldn't tell you if it was from the physical pain or emotional pain.

The nurse escorts us to a room and she proceeds to talk. I assumed she was asking me questions. Daveed answered them for me as he watched me with a concerned look. His eyes were blood shot and puffy, I didn't realize he'd been crying too. I just sat staring ahead; it was as if all the energy left my body and I couldn't do so much as blink. I feel so empty.

I waited for what seemed like hours to get my stitches. I had to get three stitches in my left thumb. My hearing started to return as the doctor was finishing up. He wrapped my thumb and returned me to my original room. Daveed was waiting there and stood up and cradled me as soon as I walked in. I slightly nudged him off of me and sat on the patient table. He stood there with a hurt look before returning to his seat.

After about 15 minutes the doctor came in with my prescribed medicine but before he explained how to take them, he had explained that he had to dial the prescription down because..

"You're pregnant!"

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