Chapter 18.

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*Daveed's POV*

*3 weeks later*

"It's going to be a little cold" the nurse warned before she applied the jelly on Zin's belly. I was so anxious to see our little person. Zin grabbed my hand and I looked down at her hand holding mine. I looked up at her and she told me to relax and giggled. I chuckled and said "sorry"

"It's o-" the sound of the baby's fast heartbeat stopped her in her tracks. We both looked at the screen and even though I didn't know what I was looking at, my heart was filling up with joy. I looked at Zin who had tears in her eyes.

"Everything looks and sounds good!" The nurse said.

"Does he have all of his fingers and toes?" I couldn't help but ask. Zin looked at me and furrowed her brows with a smirk. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged

"Yep! 20 fingers 20 toes" she said

I furrowed my brows and chuckled nervously, "Wait, 20?"

"Yes sir, both twins have all of their fingers and toes!"

"TWINS?!?" Zin and I both exclaimed. Zin held her belly and looked at me wide eyed.

"Oh, you didn't know? Well congratulations!"

"Wow" was all I could say. I was shocked but excited, I can't wait to meet them. I knew Zin felt the same by the way she smiled at me.

"Did you guys want to know the genders?" The nurse asked.

I looked back at the nurse and nodded.


After I walked Zin to her car and waited until she drove out of the parking lot, I was a little hungry and decided to go get some hibachi. I drove to my favorite hibachi restaurant about 10 minutes from the doctors office. I walked in and the owner greeted me, Zin and I used to come here a lot. So much so, they remember my face and order.

"Diggs! Usual??" He asked.

"Hey Ben! And you know it" I said and smiled, making him laugh.

"You must come here often" I heard someone say. I looked to my right and saw a brown skin girl with beautiful green eyes and braids.

I was so captivated by her eyes but also intimidated at the same time "Uh yeah, The food here is really good" I chuckled nervously.

"That's good to hear, this is my first time trying this place"

"You won't be disappointed" I gave her smile and she smiled back. She's very beautiful.

"I'm Giselle" she held out her hand and I shook it.

"Daveed... so how have you lived in New York all this time and never tried this place?"

She smiled and looked down at her hands before she met my eyes again, "actually I just moved here from Chicago a couple weeks ago"

"Oh wow, that's cool. Well welcome to the big Apple"

"Thanks" she blushed and I chuckled making her look away. I probably embarrassed her.

"Order for Diggs" Ben called out and I walked up to get my food. I thanked him and grabbed it. Soon after, he called out for a "Gatsby" and Giselle walked up and grabbed her food.

"Giselle Gatsby" I said smiling, "interesting"

"Are you.. mocking my name Daveed Diggs" she laughed and it made me laugh with her; her laugh is infectious.

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