Chapter 14.

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The ride home was silent. The many emotions I have experienced in the past 7 hours has left me exhausted. My mind, still trying to process everything that happened. I was staring straight ahead at the road.

"Did you have sex with her?" I finally spoke, keeping my focus on the world going by on the other side of the window. I felt Dav's eyes on me, I wonder what his expression was.

"No.." he said. I rolled my eyes at his answer. He could be lying. "...We kissed..." I took a deep breath trying to control the wave of emotion that was boiling up inside of me.

We pulled up to the house and I immediately hopped out of the car and walked inside. Daveed trying to keep up to me.

I walked through the door and went straight upstairs.

"Zin" Daveed called out closing the door behind him. I heard his footsteps follow me upstairs. I went into the closet and grabbed a duffel bag. I started packing my clothes with just my right hand.

"Zinyla, let me explain and can you stop packing and look at me?!" He grabbed my shoulders and squared them off with his so that I was facing him.

"You know.. everyone makes mistakes" I said quietly, my voice was weak and cracked a little. Daveed's eyes widened and I continued, "but when you make the same mistake twice, it's no longer a mistake. It's a choice"

" Zin please-" Daveed begged as I pushed his hands off my shoulders.

"Let me guess, it was a moment of weakness right? because she was that girlfriend who you loved so much. Yeah?... that same girlfriend who didn't believe in you but now all of a sudden, your biggest fan.. congratulating you on your success and it's filling that void that you felt in that relationship... right?!" my voice grew by the sentence and I slowly stood up. Daveed's face looked as if he saw a ghost.

"But guess who was always in your corner supporting you. ME! I was the one that always had your back. Ever since we became friends, my love and support never fizzled.. it only grew" I said as tears started to fill in my eyes. "But it's never enough! And THATS my problem! You're only satisfied with her and what she thinks!" i said distraughtly as I pushed him.

"That's not true" he said with a shaky voice.

"Oh bullshit Daveed. It's ALWAYS HER! ITS ALWAYS GOING TO BE HER AND IM SO STUPID FOR THINKING THINGS WOULD BE DIFFERENT THIS TIME" I grabbed my duffel bag and stormed down stairs.

"No Zin PLEASE" His voice was shaking as he followed close behind. "You don't understand how much you mean to me!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE" He grabbed my arm by the time I reached the bottom of the stairs. I turned around around to see Daveed's wet face and blood shot red eyes. "I— I know I messed up and I know it'll be hard to forgive me but please just hear me out, stay here. I mean we also found out big news so I think we should also talk about that too.. just stay. We can work this out"

I stared at him blankly for a minute. "you lied to my face. You kissed another woman. And now I'm having your child. So congratulations, you've gotten everything you've wanted"

I turned to open the door and walked out. Daveed started to say something but his voice was cut off by the door closing. I got in my car and and took a few deep breaths. I looked down and held my stomach thinking about the future dynamic of our family. I started my car and drove to Sasha's apartment. About 10 minutes later, I was outside of her building. When I got to her door, I used my old key and made my way in. When I walked in her room, she was reading a book when she looked up at me.

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