Chapter 29.

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*Daveed's POV*

I surpassed the point of wiping the tears from my face and just let them fall. Something's wrong with Zin... I should be mad, I should be angry right now because my two best friends were messing around behind my back. But I can't feel anything but fear because my babies are in danger.

"Can't you drive any faster?!" I yelled to Rafa

"What am I supposed to do?! Just run into the back of the car in front of me??" He yelled back

Zin only yelled out in agonizing pain.

"fuck this" Rafa mumbled. He drove over the yellow lines and on the opposite side of the road. He swerved in front of the car and sped off.

"I'm sleepy" She said weakly.

"No, you have to stay awake!" I said to her.

"She's losing too much blood" Rafa said to himself and sped up.

"Slow down, you're going to fast" I said

"First I'm not going fast enough, now I'm going too fast? Pick a side" I saw Rafa roll his eyes in the rear view mirror

"Man fuck you, just drive"


Rafa pulled up in front of the emergency entrance. I hopped out and pulled Zin out. I froze in my tracks as I was horrified by the huge amount of blood on the seats. Rafa nudged me and it snapped me out of my trance.

"Come on we have to get her inside" he said.

Every time we moved her she let out a scream.

A nurse ran out with a wheelchair and we sat her in the chair and the nurse ran her in the hospital. We followed the nurse closely going down the hall. They pushed her through some doors and as we started walking through another nurse stopped us in our tracks.

"I'm sorry fellas, you can't go beyond this point unless you are the father." He said

"I'm the father!" I said quickly.

"Follow me sir"

I looked to Rafa with a smug look. "Just make sure you contact everyone" I turned to walk away and felt a hard shove in my back. I stumbled forward and turned around. I started to get angry and balled my fists up.

I heard Zin scream and it snapped me out my anger. I backed up slowly staring Rafa down before I turned and ran through the doors.

The male nurse handed me scrubs, footies and a hair cap. I put everything on as quickly as I could. Before we went in, a nurse came out.

"Hi dad—" it just hit me that I'm about to meet my babies, my mood instantly changes and I feel hopeful and anxious. "— so mom has to have an emergency C-section. Just be there for her and if you feel light headed just step outside okay?"

I nodded and she opened the door. I head straight to Zin's side and grab her hand.

"Hey, hey. I'm here." I said softly to her and stroked her hair. She only looked at me; she was weak and out of breath.

"I'm... so sorry" she said barely audible.

I remained silent as I continued stroking her hair. I don't forgive her, I don't think I ever could. Of all people, she cheats with Rafa. Does she... love him? I instantly erased the thought from my head because it made me feel something worse than pain.

"Just breathe" I said.

I heard crying and quickly looked in the direction. It seemed as if life started to move in slow motion. I watched intensely as the doctor handed the nurse my baby

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