Chapter 22.

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I woke up to the smell of bacon and French toast. I sat up and looked to my right to see my alarm clock read 9:17 am. I looked to my right to see empty bed space. I rolled out of bed and went to brush my teeth and wash my face. I walked out the bedroom, through the living room and into the kitchen to see Rafa placing eggs on a plate. I smiled and flung my arms around him,

"Good morning baby" I said warmly and pressed my lips against his.

"Mmm good morning to you too" he said and smiled. I heard babbling and looked over to see the twins in their high chairs awaiting their food.

"Hi babies!" I said burrying them in kisses and tickles making them squeal and giggle. Rafa handed them their strawberries and bananas in bowls and they began to play and eat their food. He placed a plate and orange juice in front of me.

"Thank you love, this looks delicious!" I said smiling at my food.

"Not as delicious as you" Rafa said as he walked around the counter to plant a kiss on my neck. I blushed and giggled, "babe not in front of the kids"

"Then let's go to room real quick, they won't notice" he said and then planted 2 more lingering kisses on my neck. "We can make 2 more if you want" he spoke lowly in my ear

"Let's eat breakfast first" I said rubbing his head before gently pushing him away from my neck.

"You are my breakfast" he said lowly and squeezed my hips. I took a sharp breath as I tried to contain myself.

"Raf" I whispered

"I got the syrup" he growled. I stared at him lustfully before I hopped into his arms. I turned the tv on to Disney junior and the twins started to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Rafa carried me to the room with one arm while he was holding the syrup in the other.
He tossed me on the bed and slipped his t-shirt off of me revealing my naked body. He licked his lips as he poured syrup over my breasts. His lips slowly made their way closer and closer to my chest as I anxiously awaited his touch.

I opened my eyes and sat up quickly in my dark bedroom. I looked to my right at the alarm clock that read 3:17 am. I looked to my left to see Ari sleeping peacefully. What the fuck? I shook my head lightly and held my forehead as I just tried to make of what I just dreamed about. Why did I just dream that? I don't like Rafa... right? My mind was racing so I climbed out of bed.

I walked to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. The thought of Rafa's lips on mine kept replaying over and over in my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before taking another gulp of water.

I can't like Rafa, he's my best friend and not to mention my ex's best friend as well. And Ari,
I would never want to hurt Ari. She's so sweet and charismatic and she brightens my days. Most of all she loves me so much and she would never hurt me so I can't hurt her.

I opened my eyes and stared out into the moon lit living room. Right in front of me is where I sat when Rafa started to kiss me on my nec— stop. The butterflies in my stomach made their way down to my kitty and I repeatedly pressed my hands against my forehead and said "no" to myself over and over.

Maybe if I just write my feelings down I can put it past me. I snuck in the bedroom to grab my journal and pen and snuck back out. I sat in the single couch chair with my feet tucked under me and began to write.


*Rafa's POV*

I sat up in my bed. Shit I had another dream about her. I squinted at the bright tv that was playing NBA highlights. I looked at my phone that read 3:17 am. I scanned down and saw I had a text from Stella, "yes I would love too 🥰" it read.

I should be excited that I scored a beautiful date but I can't stop thinking about Zin. I can't have feelings for my best friend... who is pregnant by my other best friend... it's too messy. I try to distract myself with dating but it's obviously not working. It gets harder to suppress my feelings for that woman everyday.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I started to reach for the OJ; "thanks love this looks delicious" "not as delicious as you". I quickly grabbed the milk instead and poured me a glass. I gulped the milk down and placed the glass back on the table. The thought of Zin squirming with my lips against her neck kept replaying over and over in my head. I've had dreams about us before but this one felt different.

After I cleaned everything up, I went and plopped on the couch. I laid there recollecting my earliest memory of having feelings for her. They started in college, I always thought she was so beautiful since the day Diggs bought her to our dorm room. Her smile, brighter than the sun and her skin, smooth as silk. I was always scared to ask her out because I was afraid she wouldn't like me back and I'd make things awkward between us. One day I said fuck it and decided that I'll ask her out.

It was the same night Zinyla showed us that abandoned train car. I saw the view and knew tonight was the perfect night to ask her. I remember being so nervous, I kept having to pee... and who would have thought that in those 20 seconds, my dreams would be shattered before my eyes.

"Yes I'll go with you!" I heard Zin say and I can still feel the moment my heart snapped in half. Ever since then I had to bury my feelings for her because she was Daveed's.. and then she left, without warning.. without a goodbye. I was so angry. With her, with Diggs, with myself... I was so empty and alone. The world seemed dark for a while.

When Diggs told me they were casted together for Hamilton, I was so happy because I will see her again.. but I knew I still wouldn't be able to address my feelings. Because it was Diggs' second chance.. not mine. So I waited some more.

I'm guessing because Diggs and Zin are over, that's why my feelings are building up.. like a powder keg about explode. I've suppressed my feelings for so long and they've been growing for her everyday and now my heart wants to express upon those feelings but I can't. I can't do that to Diggs, plus they still love each other, I know they do. I would only make things more complicated.


"You mad because I got to Ari before you did?" She said smiling at me.

No I'm crushed because someone got to you before I did.. again... I'll never get my chance and maybe it's meant to stay that way...

"Shut up" I decided to say instead.


So uhhh yeah lmaooo things took quite the turn lolol. I've come to the realization that it's no longer just a Daveed love story. I'm probably going to remove that part from the title. I hope you guys like it so far and want to keep reading!!

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