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-Unknown POV-

My hands are behind me in what I'm assuming are cuffs made to prevent a person from using their abilities. Not that they will work on me, I can get out of these easily. But for now I'll wait. I want to see where they go with this.

Shield finally got me. So as a reward I'll speak to their leader. Fury, the one eyed master of Shield. Known to be a smart man with a short fuse.

I look over at the mirror wall. Black hair pulled up into a bun needs to be fixed, and the bags under my eyes prove that I'm in need of a good night sleep. Not that I'll get one anytime soon. I use my abilities to see past the mirror. Multiple people are watching anxiously. I sigh looking away. Their fear seeps into the room through the vents creating a delicious treat for me.

I'm what's known as a fearling. I feed off of a hormone given off when someone is afraid. Or well I think that's how it works anyway. I'm not into the chemistry behind it all. It's not something I'm very proud off and I don't like people knowing about any of it.

The door busts open dramatically and I look over as a women with blood red shoulder length hair walks in. She sets a folder on the table in front of me and basically falls into the chair behind her.

"Hello, my name is Natasha. I will be asking you a few questions and it would be wise for you to answer them all honestly," She says her voice confident and powerful. She's the best they have I bet looking through her memories I can see that she has a dark past that haunts her still. I smile at her after a short pause.

"Hello, I didn't realize they would be bringing the big guns right off the bat. You really are anxious about this aren't you Fury?" I say looking directly at where he is standing behind the glass. I chuckle softly looking back at a shocked looking Natasha.

"We will a start with some easy questions and get to the more major issues afterwards," she says hiding her emotions behind a mask of indifference "name?"

"Raven, age 24. I weigh 130 pounds and I'm 5'6''. I work at a small book shop and I live alone. My parents are Rosetta and Alexander Trómos. Both are dead. My mother murdered my father and attempted to murder me when I was 18. I was forced to kill her in self defense. The authorities where involved and I was found not guilty of any charges. Now that all of that is out of the way. Skip to the good part I'm beginning to become bored," I say tilting my head to the side. Natasha grinds her teeth looking annoyed with me.

"Tell me about your abilities," she says folding her hands on the table and giving me a hard look.

"No, I don't think I will. If Fury wha ya any information about me that I have not already given he can ask me in private," I say leaning forward "you all sought me out and have locked me in the is room as if I have committed a crime. I owe you nothing and I do not trust you."

"And you trust Fury?" Natasha says raising an eyebrow at me. Laugh softly and shake my head.

"I trust that he knows when to be silent and when to speak. What I am is not something I'd like for many people to know about. I trust he knows how to keep information like this on the down low. Especially when it comes to the safety of multiple different people," I say shrugging slightly.

"So your dangerous?" She says making eye contact with me as if she's caught me.

"When I want to be," I say "or when I'm hungry. Mother always told me I was quite, terrifying when I was hungry."

"What does hunger have to do with anything?" She asks slowly.

"Well, when your diet is as...how do I put it? Uh, exotic as mine. It can get pretty dangerous," I say smirking when she goes to ask another question I cut her off "I will not be telling you what I eat. That is a need to know topic and you do not need to know." I can see her losing her patience with me very quickly.

"Tell me what you are Raven, you are not in the position to be hiding information from anyone," Natasha growls out her hands fists on the table.

"I will not be answering that question," I say snarling at the women in front of me "now like I told you before if Fury wants any answers for any questions like that he can ask me himself in private."

"I'm afraid that if you won't tell me anything of your abilities then we will be forced to use violence," Natasha says in a calm collected voice. I through my head back and laugh loudly. I can taste the fear that comes off of her at the jester.

"Oh, you poor thing. You have no idea what type of creature your locked in here with," I say bringing my hands to rest on the table in front of me. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of them no longer in the cuffs. "It would be wise for you to not place threats when you yourself are in danger, I hate when people disrespect me agent. Brings out the worst in me. Plus I'm feeling a tad bit hungry, and like I said before I'm quite terrifying when I'm hungry."

"How did you..." she says looking at my hands.

"Oh dear, I broke out of them quite easily had you kept you ear peace on you might of had some warning," I say leaning closer using my abilities to make myself more intimidating "are you afraid?" Of course I already know the answer to that question but the taste of her fear rolling over me is worth it. Now I'm not normally like this, but I hadn't fed in a week, plus she got on my nerves. She then pulls out a gun pointing it right at my face.

"Hands in the air and don't even think of trying anything," she growls standing up. I grab the folder she had placed down and open in calmly ignoring her.

"Ew, they used my Facebook picture as my mug shot?" I say looking towards Fury again "What the heck? I have an actual mug shot on file from my mother's death. I at least made a normal face for that one. why would you not use it?"

"Agent, get the folder and come out. It doesn't seem like she is going to be talking to you anymore," Fury's voice says over an intercom. I look over at Natasha and close the folder holding it out to her. She lowers her gun snatching the folder away and storms out. I stand and stretch using the mirror to fix my hair into a better bun.

"So, you wanted to talk," I smirk turning to look at Fury.

"Shall we go somewhere more private?"

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