Chapter 10

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D P.O.V.
I woke up in a unfamiliar bed. I looked around and I was in a decent room, and I had ice wrapped around my leg. I looked on the stand and seen pills and water. I took the bottle in my hand and looked at the back. I read......

take for pain and aching.

I threw the pills to the other side of the bed. I sat the water bottle down and sat there. I have to get out of here before them 2 guys find me. Just as I was about to get up an older lady came in smiling at me. I tensed up and slid my back against the head board.

"Relax Hun I'm not going to hurt you, you ran into me and passed out on the ground. I thought it was only right for me to help you out."

She was very nice to me. I couldn't trust her. Why the fuck am I here?! She sat on the bed beside me and moved her hand over mine. I started to get nervous and scared causing my hands to shake terribly.

"Relax baby your in safe hands."

"Where am I? Were those two men after me still?"

She looked at me like I done lost it. I probably am considered I'm stuttering and shaking like a mad person.

"Shhhh relax relax. No one was after you sweet heart. But you were in a hell of a run weren't you?." I stayed silent.

"So honey I want you to answer a couple questions is that alright? You don't have to if you don't want to. I just wanna get to know you." She smiled.

What is it with everyone asking me questions?

I nodded anyway preparing myself to be called a name or told that my uncle sent her after me. This wasn't the first time my uncle tried that. Sending someone friendly after me. I would stay with them, because they earned my trust. Then they'll turn around and hand me over to my- to him.

"I've never seen you around here before where you from?"

I hunched my shoulders."From around the Bay Area." I gave her a short answer. Why did she need to know where I'm from for?

"Baby, you got any parents, listen baby you can trust me. And I know your thinking about leaving but I ain't letting you leave until that ankle get better."

Something about the way she said it made my heart twinge. I don't know what it was. She just made me feel calm.

"My names D." I replied dryly.

She smiled lightly."Well that's a start sweetie. How old are you?"

I twisted my lips."I'm 17 and half." I looked more like 12 I was so slim. I haven't celebrated my birthday ever. My mother used to say I wasn't important enough to have one. Hurt me to the core when she told me that.

"Wow your young." She saw the apprehension on my face."Where are your parents? Why were you running?"

I sighed deeply."My mom sold me off to my uncle when I was little." I looked away." I ran away from him. He used to make me do-" I drifted off.

The lady gasped open after I stopped talking. She fixed her lips to say something but decided not to. I could tell what I just said just hit her like a tone of bricks.

"Listen. I know your hungry. How about we get you fed? Ok?"

Right about now food was something I needed. I felt so weak and drained. I know I shouldn't trust his lady but she was different from the people my uncle sent after me. I could tell.


I followed her to a pretty living room, than dining room. I stood there lost I didn't want to just make myself comfortable in someone's home. That's not right to me.

"Baby come on over and sit." She said gesturing to a seat. I can feel my cheek tugging upwards. I don't know why I was trying to smile. She was so warm and genuine.

"D ima fix you a good old plate of soul food and get that tiny frame growing." I nodded and she left out towards the kitchen.

I sat at the nice wooden table decorated with plates. It smelled so good in here. It smelt like a home I never had honestly.

"Mmhm." I heard a deep voice clear from behind me. I tensed up, I didn't know she had someone else here.

I looked up and saw 'him' standing before me. He was dressed in the same clothes. I grabbed at the table ready to run for my life again.

What was he doing here? No he couldn't have lived here?! Is this a fucking trick?

"What? Wha-"

He held his hands out in a defensive manner."Don't run! Please!"

His expression was priceless.

"I wasn't trying to hurt you earlier. I just needed answers to why you was with Dope. I Promise I wasn't trying to hurt you." He said in a rushed whisper.

I looked at him in confusion."You called me a hoe."

He squatted by my chair and looked at me. His face softened when he looked at my ankle."I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I rushed my judgement. I'm sorry."

I stayed silent trying to still decipher my feelings on whether to believe him or not.

"I see you've met my grandma. Small world huh?"

Yea you damn right. I thought in my head.

"Well I see you've met her Omari." His grandmother came in with a heaping plate of food."That's my grandson he's a sweetheart. Omari that's D. Nearly knocked me out earlier." She chuckled.

Omari. Cute name.
Don't D don't even go there.
Niggas could have the cutest names and still hurt you.

She came in plate after plate for food for each of us. All thoughts and events that occurred earlier when out my head. When the sweet smell of soul food readers my taste buds.

There was sweet potatoes, corn bread, collard greens, corn, chicken, turkey, rolls, meat balls, and string beans.

Then she sat dessert on the table which consisted of cake, coconut cake, lemon cake, with a jug of milk and glasses. She poured all of us one and her and him dug in.

Was this what life was like?
I didn't know people could be so caring.




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