Chapter 11

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D P.O.V.
I sat on the comfy bed as I watched Ms.Rose walk around the room, explaining where everything was. She had gave me a t shirt, fresh panties, sweats, and some socks for the night until she can get me something new tomorrow. This lady's generosity was beyond me. She was so nice, a little too nice.

"Just put your clothes over there, those are going to the trash."

I sat on the edge of the bed as she finally turned to look at me."Well since you have no current home or family. Your staying here." I fixed my mouth to protest but she shut that down quick."I don't want to hear it your to young to be out in the streets. Your only 17. For now on I'm taking you under my care to get you straight."

"Thank you." That's all I could say. The the only word I could say.

"That's what I'm here for. Now get some rest you got some important things to do tomorrow." She closed the door behind her before turning on the bedside lamp. I laid back on the comfy bed feeling my body relax on the plush comforter.

Words can't explain how good this felt on my whole body. For the first time in forever I felt okay. I felt normal. I felt safe. That's all that mattered.

I got under the sheets and laid my head onto the pillow. I really needed to do something with my hair. I used to have good hair but after flat ironing it to meet the needs of my uncle's clients. It was so damaged. My brain was going a million miles per hours. Usually I didn't get to sleep but this was something I craved. As soon as I reached over to turn out the lamp, there was a soft knock at the door.

I tried so hard not to sigh, but I have to remember Rose welcomed me into her home with welcome arms. I was just so tired.

"Yes?" I called out. The door opened and in came Omari. I clung the sheets close to me. Although he explained the situation to why I was being chased over and over part of me still didn't trust him.

"Your still scared of me?" He walked into the room, stopping at the foot of the bed. I looked at him not saying anything. I couldn't lie I shouldn't be treating him like this, after all he saved me from getting raped. He was tall, his skin was so smooth and light, except for a couple of freckles that decorated his face. His lips were pink , his eyes a dark brown. He was attractive but he was a man. Men hurt."How many times do I have to apologize?" He poked out his bottom lip.

My cheeks burned, not gone lie he was getting to me."Ok."

"What does that mean?" He sat at the edge of the bed, causing me to sit up and draw my knees to my chest."You forgive me?"

I rolled my eyes."Ok." He smacked his teeth and turned his body fully towards me.

"I'm not leaving tell I hear you say you forgive me. We got all night."

Nigga no we don't. How bout I knock yo damn lights out.

I sighed knowing he wasn't going to quit." I forgive you Omari." I looked away towards the floor. The way his named flowed off my lips made my stomach jump. He chuckled and I looked up.

"Thank you."

I sank back into the pillow, the tiredness and drowsiness was taking over. i couldn't stay awake for longer.

"Well I got what I want. I'll let you sleep." I felt him dip off the bed and head towards the door.

Before he could open it all the way to leave I called out to him."Omari thank you so much for you know- getting that guy off me."

He leaned against the door and smiled lightly."I had no choice, I wouldn't have just walked by. Get some rest baby girl. we'll talk tomorrow." He turned off the light switch and closed the door.

Whatever he mean't by that, wasn't ready to talk but he deserved a answer to why I was there with that man Dope.

I couldn't think no more, I closed my eyes and went to bed.




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