Chapter 3: Dementors On The Train ✔✔

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"I didn't mean to blow her was an accident, I just, lost control." Harry explained as we walked down the train, looking for a empty compartment.


"Honestly, Ron, it's not funny. Harry was lucky not to get expelled." Hermione scolded Ron while I just walked behind, laughing quietly at my three friends.

"I think I was lucky not to be arrested." Harry called back,

"I think it was a very attractive quality in a man, being able to accidentally blow up a person, very good skill, bravo." I joked, grinning at Harry, who looked back at me catching my gaze and smiling back as we stopped out side a compartment with only a sleeping figure inside, one I knew very well.

"Come on, Everywhere else is full." Hermione sighed opening the door and sliding inside, Harry, Ron and I following.

"Who do you think that is?" Ron asked, pointing at the sleeping man.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked looking up at Ron who shook his head, looking at me.

"That's Professor R.J.Lupin." Hermione spoke up, not looking up from her book.

"Do you know everything?" Ron muttered, looking at the frizzy haired girl, then to Harry who sat beside me, "How is it she knows everything?"

"It's on his suitcase Ronald." Hermione huffed pointing at the case above my hair.

"What do you reckon R.J stands for?"

"Remus John." I spoke up, breaking from my shocked and disappointed state, looking at Ron.

"Oh, great, another Know it all." Ron huffed, looking at Harry who shrugged, looking down at me.

"How could you possibly know that." Hermione asked, looking up from her book and over at me.

"Because you idiots, he's my god father...Remus John Lupin...Aurora Lily Lupin...well to the students at Hogwart, you know, cos of the whole murderer for a dad thing. I'm slightly disappointed in you Ronald, I mean your mum used to bring you over like every month when he went out of town for a few days for saw him three days ago when he dropped me off at the Leaky Cauldron, you had a conversation with him about your dumb rat! It's Remus!"

Ron looked at me wide eyed, then glanced at the sleeping man.

"Hermione didn't know him either." Ron tried to argue but I just shook my hand.

"Hermione has only ever met Remus once, and for a few minutes. Harry has never met him before but you....oh you are a let down Weasley." I scolded as a playfully glared at Ron.

Harry let out a laugh and he reached out and grabbed my face, turning it towards him.

"Keep staring at Ron like that and you might make his head explode or something." Harry joked as he let go of my face, but I still looked up at him and smiled.

"Fine Potter, but I'm so telling Remus about chocolate for Ronnie!"

"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asked, his eyes scanning over my sleepy godfather.

"Probably, he's had a rough couple nights." I shrugged, knowing the full moon had just passed.

"OK, I have to tell you guys something."

Harry then proceeded to sit and tell us how Mr Weasley had told him, Sirius Black was after finish off the job, and to find his

"So, you're telling me he escaped from Azkaban to come after you...and maybe Aura?" Ron asked, obviously not really grasping the news.

"Yeah, at least, that's what Mr Weasley said." Harry nodded, looking at me.

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