Chapter 13: We'll Be Ok ✔

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Things at Hogwarts as seeming back to normal when I woke up a few days later.

Umbridge was removed om office and was being quistioned of her use of blood quills and the other aweful things she has done.

Dumbledore was back as headmaster and both he and Harry were once again the Ministry's favorate heros.

The end of the school had arrived and thankfully I was relesed just in time to pack up my things.

"Hey," I smiled a little as I walked into the boys dorm, where my things currently were and spotted Harry standing by 'our' bed, packing the last of his things.

He turned around and disregarded his trunk to walk over to me and pul me into a tight hug.

"How are you feeling?" He asked against my hair as he breathed me in, me doing the same.

"Better now I'm back in your arms again." I chuckled before pulling away and looking over the the case on his bed.

"Leaving it a little late with the packing aren't you"? I joked as I wondered over to pickup a few of this things and place them in the trunk.

"Huh? Oh, erm, not really, I've packed up your things aswell, I didn't know when you were gonna be relesed from the hospital wing and I didn't want you to have to rush around. " He explained as he stepped forwards and wrapped his arms around my body.

"What would I do with out you?" I joked.

"Crash adn burn baby." He joked, placing a sft kiss on my cheek before turning em to face him. "Crash and burn."

Harry had gone to have a word with Dumbledore before dinner and had I waited outside for him, like I had done many times before and I couldn't help but smile as I walked through the corridors with Harry, hand in hand, looking around us at tousands of prtrats that had been put back up n the wall, all smiling happily and waving at the students as they passed.

We passed Luna who was hanging up posters on the wall.

"Hey luna," I called over, gaining her attention.

"Oh, hello you two." She replied dreamily.

"How come you're not at the feast?" Harry asked curiously.

"Lost all my possesions. Apparently people have been hiding them." She explained she she continued to move down the corridore, Harry and I slowing to keep step with her.

"That's awful Luna." I gasped in surprise that anyone could be so cruel to this adorable being.

"Oh it's all good fun." She insisted, looking at me with a smile. "But as it's our last night, I really do need them back."

"Do you want any help finding them?" Harry offered kindly, making me smile up at him adoringly.

"That's OK, you can ead to the feast." She smiled kindly.

"Fat chance Moonbeam, lets get your stuff back." I grinned.

"It's OK Rory, really. My mum always said, the things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end." She spoke dreamily then looked up to the celing.

To our surprise, there, on the roof, hung a pair of Lunas sneakers.

"Well, at least let me get those down for you." I smiled pulled out my wand and levitated the shoes down to the floor, as Luna skipped over and picked them up.

"Thank you Rory." she smiled.

"Any time Moonbeam."

"I like that nickname...sort of has a dreamy sort of ring to it." she grinned and I couldn't help but laugh at her.

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