From the beginning of school, things were strange for Harry and we had only been back her for a few days.
People would be talking and then suddenly get really queit, they would whisper about him or straight out shout snide remarks at Harry who would just be walking by. The first night back after the feast Seamus right out blamed Harry for his mum not wanting him to come back to Hogwarts.
I of course went belistic and ended up being dragged up to the boys dorms by Harry, where I managed to break free of his hold and turn into my dog animagus. Like I've have said before, when my emotions are high, my animagus form takes over to try and calm me down.
Once Harry was changed I, not being able to calm down just yet, ran around the room until Ron walked in, a little shocked to see me in dog form.
"What's with Pup making an apearance?" He asked, looked from Harry to myself.
"She got too angry so she lost control." Harry smiled at me before turning back to Ron. "Is Ginny or Hermine down stairs?"
"Yeah, they were when I left" Ron shrugged.
"Thanks," harry smiled then looked at me and picked up my messed up clothes, "I'll be right back love, I'm gonna go get one of the girls to grab you some clothes."
I let out a loud bark and he chuckled before he disappeared.
"You OK Aura?" Ron asked and I barked and nodded my head in answer making him smile.
After Harry returned with some clothes he curled up beside him and went to sleep, hoping I didn't transfom back in my sleep.
Luckily I didn't I woke up and saw that all the boys were asleep when I transformed back and quickly pulled on the shirt Harry had been wearing before bed and a pair of underwear.
"That would have been really awkward if you had turn back in your sleep and the boys and Harry woke to find you naked in his bed." A voice spoke making me jump.
I quickly turned around to see Ron was sat up in his bed.
"Merlin, Ron, don't scare me like that." I hissed as I walked over to his bed. He shuffled up and I sat beside me, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Been a while since we've sat like this." He spoke up after a couple minutes silence.
"I know." I nodded. "I sorta miss it."
"Me too." Ron laughed. "So how are you doing? Really?"
"I'm OK." I shrugged, not looking up at him, scarred he'd see though my lie.
"Don't lie to me Aura, I'm your best friends, we've known each other since we were toddlers, I know when you're OK, so talk to me, like you used to."
I looked up at him to see a sad sort of smile on his face as he watched me. With a sigh I sat back up and began too speak.
"I'm getting better Ron, I swear, it's just gonna take some time to realign my head, you know, it's only been a couple months since it happened and alot of that time I spent not sleeping and dodging the man who's face was the last thing I saw before I left the worst pain imaginable." I explained, sniffling as I spoke.
"And the dreams, are they going away?"
"Yeah, mostly due to Harry being around. I feel safest with him and I think me being around helps him too. He told me he's been having nightmares too about that night, about Cedric, Voldemort and what Crouch Jr did to me, but since he got to Grimmauld Place, he was doing better."

Aurora Lupin-Black
FanfictionImagine being born of the same day as your best friend. The person you would risk you're everything for, only for it all to be taken away before you had even had the chance to discover it, by your father being locked up for murder you didn't believe...