Chapter 10: The Patronus Charm ✔✔

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Harry and I were walking around the school, hand in hand, smiling wildly as we made our way to meet Remus.

It has been a couple weeks since Harry and started dating and it was going well.

Or as well as it could for two thirteen year olds on love.

As soon as we reached our destination, Harry placed a quick kiss on my cheek, before letting go if my hands and opening the door.

"Ah, Harry, there you are, you came." Remus smiled kindly as he saw Harry walk into the classroom he asked Harry to meet him in. His eyes shifted to me as I grinned and waved. "And you brought my god daughter with you, wonderful."

"I can hear the sarcasm in that statement Moony, what's got your tail in a knot?" I huffed as I dropped my bag beside Harry's and looked at my God father worriedly.

"Nothing of importance Pup, now, seeing as I'm teaching both of you, we'll have a quick run through the logistics and then take it in turns."

"Seems fair." Harry nodded.

"Now, before we start, are you both sure about this? This is very advanced magic, well beyond O.W.L standards."

"I'm sure." Harry and I both replied, smiling reassuringly at the Professor.

"Ok then, let's get started." Remus grinned, walking down towards us. "Everything is prepared, now the spell I'm going to try to teach you is called a patronus Charm. A patronus is a protective force and for the wizard, or witch, who conjures one, it works something like a shield, with the dementor feeding on it, rather than you. But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory a very happy memory. A very powerful memory. Can you do that?"

Harry and I nodded, looking at Remus who by now was sat on a desk infront of us.

"Very well, close your eyes." He instructed. We complied and continued to listen as he spoke. "concentrate. Explore your past."

I searched inside my head, looking for a memory of the time I felt happiest.

The only thing I could really think of, was Harry.

"Do you have a memory?"

"Yes." Both Harry and muttered.

"Good, now, allow it to fill you up, lose yourself in it.."

With my eyes still closed, I began to picture Harry smiling at me, grinned a big goofy grin, his green eyes locked to mine. His messy hair flapping over his face as he spoke. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I didnt care, I just watched feeling my whole body ignite with happiness.

"When you've done that, I want you to speak the incarnation, Expecto Patronum."

"Expecto partonum."

"Very good." Remus muttered and I heard him moving about.

"Right, Harry, you first, wand at the ready."

I stepped to the side and watched as Remus moved behind a black trunk and waved his hand over it. Once Harry was in position, Remus opened the trunk and out came a dementor, hovering over Harry.

"Expecto Partonum!" Harry yelled, his  wand aimed to the hooded figure. "Expecto....Expecto..."

His voice began to fade and before I knew it he was on the floor, unconscious.

"Rory, give it a go, quickly!" Remus shouted and I ran over, wand raised and eyes hard, concentrating on my memory.

"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled and the slightly gleam of light shot from my wand. 

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