Chapter 12: Possession ✔️✔️

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"NOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed as I watched in horror as the green curse hurtled closer and closer to my dad.

I felt an arm pull me back and I was thrown to the floor, hitting my head harshly.

I looked up to see my dad laying on the ground and Harry was staring at them both, looking broken, Remus was standing close to me, a firey look on his face.

Harry spotted Bellatrix slink away and he ran off, anger taking over for the loss of his last family member.

I let out a strangled cry as I stood up wobbly and limped over to my dad who lay, on the floor, unmoving.

"Dad? I whispered as I sat beside him. "Daddy? I need you to wake up dad, this isn't the time for jokes." I cried, placing my hand in his, holding it to my chest, ignoring the pain in my head.

"Pup, I don't think..." Remus began but I cut him off, turning to look at him.

"NO, He...he can't leave me, I...I only just got him back." I cried, looking back down at my dad. "I just got you back. Don't leave me, not yet. I still need you, Please, come back." I begged, as I spoke my voice became a whisper as I gripped his hand tighter and the tears fell faster.

"Daddy, please, I need you to come back, you can't leave me." I sobbed, leaning down into his chest.

"I...will...never...leave you...again." I heard and I snapped up to see my dad looking up at me.

"Sirius?" Moony asked, shocked.

"DAD!" I yelled shocked as I fell backwards, landing on my hands.

"You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you?" My dad chuckled as he sat up, but the force of my body colliding with his as I dove into a hug, almost knocked him back again.

"I...I'm so...I...I love you, daddy." I cried into his chest as he held me tight.

"I love you too Pup." He chuckled lightly then pulled me back. "What happened to you?" He asked as he reached up and touched my forehead, covering his fingers in blood.

"I, kinda knocked her down when I was getting to you," Moony explained awkwardly as he help me and dad up. "Sorry Pup."

"It's OK, you got to him in time, that's all I care about." I smiled as I lent up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, dad."

"Anytime kiddo, now we should go find..." He began but I cut him off again, looking around wide-eyed.

"HARRY!" I screeched before I ran off in the same direction Harry was in.

When I found him, he looked like he was struggling with something inside of him.

He stood over Bellatrix, who was whimpering at the boy, his wand pointing at her, but he was paying her no mind.

Something was fighting him and he was fighting back.

Then a figure appeared beside him, causing Bellatrix to start laughing and me to freeze as I watched in horror as Voldemort materialized behind my boyfriend, who seemed no the wiser.

Harry turned around and spotted Voldemort, the man who killed his parents, who was the sole reason he has lived such an awful life.

He raised his wand to curse the dark lord, but his wand went flying from his hand and I let out a squeak.

Voldemort and Harry just stared at each other and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Dumbledore appear from green flames in a nearby fireplace. Voldemort seemed to spot him also because he suddenly look...less...I don't know, threatening, I guess. He just didn't seem like the big bad thing he usually is thought of, when facing Albus Dumbledore.

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