Chapter 13: Home Again... Sort Of ✔✔

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It had been a few weeks since the third task.

Since I was hit with the Cruciatus curse.

The students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were still around, they were leaving the same time we were, or just before so that everyone had chance to say their goodbye to our new friends... well, for those of us that actually got to make friends that is.

I was released from the Hospital wing a couple days after but I was having trouble sleeping. So, everynight, I snuck up into Harry's room and slept in his arms, this always seemed to help calm the nightmares enough so I was getting a few hours sleep.

Sure I was still having nightmares, but not as bad and not as often. Harry charmed his bed, so that it kept any noise in... although, occasionally it did slip out and wake the boys, but that had only happened once or twice.

The other boys in the room were shocked to find me waking up in their dorm the first couple nights. But by the last day of school, they found it normal that I was still wrapped in Harry's arms, my hair a mess, my head on his chest, his slid underneath my shirt... or well his shirt.

What? I was having bad dreams, I needed what ever comforts I could get.

Or at least that's what I told the boys when they teased me about it the first time they saw me wearing Harry shirt to sleep in.

With a tired grumble, I moved out of my boyfriend clutches and sat up, to find Ron and Dean sat talking with Neville on his bed.

"Hey sleeping beauty, how did you sleep?" Ron chuckled when he noticed me sat up. I grabbed my wand and flicked it, removing the charm so the boys could hear me.

"OK I guess... how about you, I didn't keep you guys awake did I?"

"No, you woke up, maybe once but then Harry calmed you down." Ron assured me.

"Your nightmares not letting up any?" Dean asked, a look of pity on his face.

By now the whole school knew what had happened to me in Moody's office and I received pitied looks everywhere I went, so I was used to it by now.

"They let up a little, when Harry's around. I'm just not looking forward to spending the whole summer without my protective boyfriend." I chuckled, looking down at my boyfriend who looked up at me, a small smile on his face.

It seemed he has woken up.

"I'm sure your dad and Remus will take good care of you, until I get to see you again." Harry smiled softly as he sat up, placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"Merlin I hope so." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. "I best head back to my dorm and change... also pack my things." I smiled, placing a kiss on Harry's lips and then climbed out of bed, not caring I was only in a shirt and shorts.

I quickly said goodbyes to the boys and made it back to my room to find it empty and my trunk already packed. My uniform, including my robe, sat folded neatly on my bed with a note that simply read.

You're welcome,

With a chuckled I changed and made my way down to meet Harry and the boys, so we could all head to the Great Hall for the last feast of the year.

The feast was used as a way of remembering Cedric Diggory.

Dumbledore gave a speech and told every the students, apparently against the ministry's orders, which I had to smile at, what had happened to him and who was responsible for Cedric's death.

Dumbledore told us that no matter what we all had a place here at Hogwarts, even the students visiting from other schools.

We would welcome them with open arms if ever they needed it.

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