Harry, Ron and I walked out for the castle, Hermione rambling on about the Deviations lesson we had just finished with. Hermione obviously didn't care for the bogus lesson, but I myself hadn't found any interest in it either, intact I has just taken the lesson as I had a free hour and I wanted to try something new.
"Broaden you mind..." Hermione scoffed.
"Use your inner eye to see the future." I mock, in a fairly accurate impression on the Deviation Professor, making Harry and Hermione laughed. "Hmm, She was a bit loopy."
The topic continued on until we reached Hagrids hut, the rest of the class gathered around.
"Come now then you four." He called once he spotted us, before he looked back at the class. "Come on, now, come closer, everyone, less talking if you don't mind." Once everyone was quiet and he had our attention he put his hands on his hips and smiled excitedly at us all.
"I got a real treat for you all today, follow me."
Hagrid led the way into the forest, the classic behind him chatting excitedly, as he led us into a clearing.
"Righ' you lot, less cha'ter, form a group over there, come on now. Along with your books, page 49." The large man instructed and we all did as told, gathering around as Hagrid walked away.
"Exactly how do we do that?" Draco scoffed, glaring at his book.
"Just stroke the spine of course." Hagrid explained before he disappeared.
As I opened my book, standing beside Harry and Hermione, I heard a yell and I turned around to see Neville being attacked by his book.
"Don't be such a whip Longbottom." Malfoy sneer as he passed the boy, not even bothering to help the poor boy.
"Don't be a dick Draco." I exasperated, handing my book to Harry before walking over and helping Neville.
"You're supposed to stroke the spine Neville." I chuckled as I helped him up.
As I headed back over to my friends, I heard Malfoy, being a dick, again.
"...wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."
"Shut up Malfoy." Harry snapped, stepping forward. I couldn't help but smirk at his confidence, butterflies in my stomach.
I stood a bit away, watching as Draco stepped forward as his to say something but before he did, his face paled and he looked like he had seen a ghost. Then he stepped back, fear plastered on his face.
"D..dementor! Dementor!" He cried out and with out looking, or even thinking, I rushed forward and stopped infront of Harry, wand drawn.
I instantly calmed down when I saw nothing, but got extremely annoyed when Malfoy and his crew began laughing. I growled, like literally growled as I stepped forward and pointed my wand to him.
"Be careful cousin, I'll turn you into a dung beetle." I snapped, smirking when Malfoy's face dropped and his visibly gulped.
"You wouldn't." He spoke, trying to hide his whimper.
"You don't think so?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Malfoy shook his head furiously, eyes wide.
"Keep messing with my friends...and we'll find out." I snapped before turning around and heading back to Harry, Ron and Hermione who were watching me. Hermione, was shocked, Ron just smirked while Harry looked some what proud, his face almost split with the size of his grin, which grew as I stepped closer.
"What?" I shrugged looked at him, but before we could answer Hagrid cleared his throat and made sort of a fanfare tune, pointing at the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen.

Aurora Lupin-Black
FanfictionImagine being born of the same day as your best friend. The person you would risk you're everything for, only for it all to be taken away before you had even had the chance to discover it, by your father being locked up for murder you didn't believe...