Chapter 1: Packing Up The Lupin/ Lupin-Black House ✔✔

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"Aurora Lupin-Black, will you hurry your tiny butt up, we have to get going!" Moony yelled from the kitchen where he was cooking lunch

"I'm coming, I'm coming...keep your tail on Moony!" I called as I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I sat down at the small table as Remus brought a plate of food over and placed it in front of me.

"You almost done packing?" He asked as I began eating.

"Mmm, yeah, the Weasleys and Hermione are meeting us at the Leakey Cauldron." I told him, after I swallowed my mouthful of food.

"And I'll meet you at the Platform in a couple days." He nodded, as he took a sip of coffee.

"Are you sure you don't want me to you through the full moon?" I asked my godfather he chuckled and shook his head.

"No little pup, you go see your friends, I can be alone for this full moon." He assured me, reaching over and taking my hand in his.

"Are you sure Moony? You do everything for me, I like that I can do this for you." I smiled at my godfather who shook his head.

"You're going to see your friends, end of story."

"Fine...but you best make sure your furry butt is on the platform on time."

"I promise I will." He laugh at me.

After I had finished eating I cleaned my plate and ran upstairs, kissing Remus on the cheek as I passed.

My bedroom was your standard teenage girl room. It was red and gold, my house colours of course, a few bits of Gryffindor memorabilia was pinned up. A flag from the first quidditch game Harry played, where he cought the snitch, winning the game. I had him sign it also. There was a couple scarves pinned up and a large photo of Remus, Dad and I, smiling happily, my dad making my little hand wave while Remus was pointing at the camera.

On the wall beside my bed were lots of photo, some moving/some not, of my time with my friends at Hogwarts from the last two years. There were photos of the Weasley's and I growing up and the was one of Ron, Harry, Hermione and I all sat together laughing on the Hogwarts Express, taken last year. That photo sat on the bedside table beside me large bed.

My clothes were scattered were, well, everywhere as I was packing it all for my 3rd year at Hogwarts, which of course I was super excited about because Remus had been offered a job as the new Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor, so he would be around all year long. Of course there was his furry little problem to consider, but he had his wolfs baine potion and my 'Pup' my animagus form, to keep him company, unlike when he was at school and all he had was Dad, James and their friend Peter Pettigrew to keep him company.

Lunar, my owl, was sat on her large perch in the corner of my room, by the window, snoozing away, her head buried under her wing.

It took a while but pretty soon I had all my clothes packed, my books and School supplies also. Lunar's cage sat on my table, waiting for her to be house inside ready for the trip, which I usually do at the very last minute.

"You ready to go Pup?" Moony yelled as he climbed the stairs.

"Almost, just got to put Lunar in her cage!" I spoke back when he arrived at my bedroom door. I walked over and smiled at my owl. "Come on girl, time to see our friends."

The owl excitedly hopped on my arm and I brought her over to her cage where she climbed in and sat comfortably.

Once the cage was closed I picked it up, Moony had already grabbed my trunk.

I head down the stairs where Moony was waiting in the armchair, by the fire place, his head in his hands.

"You OK Moony?" I questioned, concern evidence in my voice. I only grew concerned when he jumped, looking up at me, worry and sadness all over his face.

"I...I have to tell you something before we go." He sighed, stand up and walking over, standing in front of me, arms on my shoulders.

" it Harry? Is he OK?" I panicked, my eyes wide, knowing full well trouble followed that boy around like a lost sheep.

"No, Harry's fine, it's your dad." At this I froze.

My dad had been in Azkaban for the last 12 years, I visited his when I was younger but dad...and then Moony, decided it was to hard for us both, so I haven't seen him for a long, long time.

"Wh...what about him?" I stuttered, feeling myself shake.

"He...he erm...well, he's escaped Azkaban and is running around the country on a mission apparently." My dad sighed, removing his hands to brush over his face again.

"What? What's he doing?"

"I don't know, honestly Pup, your dad isn't exactly the most predictable person I ever met."

"Are you OK Moony? Has he tried to contact you? Us?" Remus shook his head, a sad look on his face, tears in his eyes.

"I...I just..."

"I know, me too." I side, wrapping my arms around my godfather, a man who has cared for me since I was born and continued to do so after my dad was taken away.

We stood quiet for a bit, the two of us just hoping and praying my dad was safe.

"Your father is a complete idiot." Moony mumbled into my hair.

"Yes and you fell in love with the idiot." I joked, pulling back and smirking at him, making him laugh.

"That I did." He nodded. "Now, let's get you to The Leaky Cauldron, I'm sure Ron is already driving your friend Hermione crazy."

"Oh, that is definitely a possibility." I laughed, picking up my things.

As predicted when we arrived at Ron shouting at Hermione about her cat chasing Scabbers.

The twins we coursing their usual mischief around the dining area.

Percy was cleaning his prefect badge, something Ron and the twins had told me he did a lot, he only got it a few weeks ago.

Ginny was sat by her mum and dad, reading. She was the first to notice me, making her mum and dad jump when she quickly, and noisily pushed her chair back and called my name.

"AURA!" She screeched as she ran at me, using the nickname that only then Weasley children ever used.

"AURA!" the other Weasley's called out when they saw me!

"Weasleys!" I laughed as Ginny's small body collided with mine and wrapped her arms around my waist.

Then, in a matter of seconds I was trapped in a large Weasley (and Hermione) group hug, laughter and chatter filling my ears.

"How are you Aurora dear?" Molly Weasley grinned once her children FINALLY released me.

"Once I get my breath back, I'll be find Aunt Molly...did you guys enjoy your trip to Egypt?"

At that there was a loud grown from the twins and Ginny before Ron was beside me, showing me a newspaper clipping with the whole Weasley family on the front.

"We had a wonderful time." Arthur Weasley called from where he sat, talking to my dad.

"Ron will no doubt tell you all about in." Percy rolled his eyes, going back to his seat at the table, cleaning his badge, once again.

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