Christmas was over and done with and the Burrow was fixed up and the Weasley's were back home after a few days.
After a uneventful new years Harry and I headed back to school, happy to see Hermione again.
We'd caught up about our christmas the night before and over breakfast and throughout the school day, Harry and Hermione had been delegating over the incident in the Burrow.
"It was so easy for them to get to you." Hermione started as we walked down the corridors, having just finished our class. "You're bloody luck you weren't killed. You have to realise who you are Harry."
"I know who I am Hermione, all right?" He huffed. Then looked at her a little guiltily. "Sorry."
"Shes just worried about you Harry, we all are, we can't help it." I chuckled as I grabbed my boyfriends hand in mine.
"I know, and I'm very grateful for you all." He smiled kissing my head.
"Suddenly the atmosphere in the group turned grimm as we saw Ron sitting with Lavender, who was practically hanging off of him, tying a necklace of sorts around his neck.
"That's my won won." She cooed.
"Excuse me, I have to vomit." Hermione mumbled before she walked away.
"I've got to go too. Dumbledore wants to see me." Harry sighed as he kissed my head then left.
"Bye." I called then loved over at Ron and Lavender.
I sighed and walked over to Ron, leaning against the wall next to him.
"Nice bling Ronnie." I smirked,
"Shove off Aura." He huffed blushing a little.
"Hermione and Harry have disappointed so you're stuck with me." I grinned, grabbing his arm and pulling him up.
"Exuse me, but that is my boyfriend, you can't just decide you want to take him." Lavender barked as she stood up, grabbing Ron's arm. "I won't let you."
"Oh, someone's insecure." I smirked as I let go of Ron who was holding back an eye roll.
"I am not. My Ron Ron loves me, I don't need to worry about a little harlot like you stealing him away." She spoke, smirking at me.
I couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, doubling over as I did.
"I...I'm sorry, you think I'm trying to steal Ronald away from you?" I laughed, nearly bei g able to catch my breath.
"Well aren't you?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, my boyfriend would be so happy to hear that!" I laughed
"Why is the idea of you and me so funny to you?" Ron asked, but I could see he was biting back his own laugh.
"Our I don't know maybe because I've been in a very steady and serious relationship with your bestfriend for three years? Or maybe the fact that we're more like siblings that we are friends." I grinned up at him and he nodded.
"Yeah, you're right, me and you would never work. You're like my little sister...I'm mean if it wasn't for Sirius and Remus, my mum would have adopted you by now." Ron stated, now ignoring the girl next to him.
"Probably." I nodded.
"Come you te we have a class to get to." I smiled then walked away, Ron and Lavender following.
Class was pretty uneventful, and I had finished my homework by the time dinner was done so I had decided to take a pup.
So Iet my self run around ths scho grounds, being careful not to get caught until I decide to head back into the school grounds, changing back and put my clothes on.

Aurora Lupin-Black
FanfictionImagine being born of the same day as your best friend. The person you would risk you're everything for, only for it all to be taken away before you had even had the chance to discover it, by your father being locked up for murder you didn't believe...