Chapter 9: Caught ✔✔

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Christmas had passed pretty quickly and after some well deserved and needed family time with both my dads and the Weasleys, we soon found ourselves back at Hogworts.

Hagrid had returned, told us he had gone on a secret mission for Dumbledor, to try and get the giants on our side but the deatheaters had had the same idea.

Seamus had appologised to Harry and told us he believed us now, not that it mattered, he was apart of the DA, some part of him must have believed Harry anyway.

A bunch of prisoners had escaped Azkaban and the ministry had once again blamed it on Peter Pettigrew, although, they probably had that one right... or close enough to the truth.

One of the escapees was non other than Bellatrix lastrange, my dads freakshow of a cousin. The very same Bellatrix Lastrange, that tortured Neville's mum and dad with the cruciartus curse, over and over again.

He had told Harry and I the story, one night after one of our DA meetings, Harry had sympathised with him, having lost his parents so we made a promise, the three of us, to make our Parents proud, alive or dead, we'd make them proud of us.

which brings us to the next DA meeting, where Harry and I were teaching the group how to cast a patronus.

Except, the strangest thing happened.

"So, really you have to think of a memory. The happiest memory you've ever thought of and let it take over, fill you and then.."

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry and I both called out and cast the spell, however, it wasn't the usual dog that danced around the room.

In sted, it was a doe...a silvery doe that pranced beside Harry's stag.

"What...what the hell?" I called out as I watched the two.

"Aura, I thought you said yours was a dog?" Ron called out as the group watched the two silver creatures dissappare.

"It, it was." I spoke confused.

"OK, everyone, let's give it a go!" Harry suddenly spoke up, sending the group on with their task while I wondered over to Hermione who already had her nose in her book.

"You got any answers for me 'Wiki-Witch?" I asked as I stood beside her and she looked up and nodded.

"It says here, 'A partonus can take the form of the object of your happy memory, in animal form."

"Which makes sense, Harrys is a Stag, for James, who was a stag in his animagus form."

"And yours was a dog..."

"for Padfoot, yeah." I nodded.

"Well, it also says, that if one finds the 'soulmate' of sorts, the form can change to become a match to theirs. Harry's is a stag..."

"So, mine changed into a doe?" I asked and she nodded.

"It would seem so, yes." She smiled as she closed the book and took out her wand. "Now, be a good professor and teach us something."

With a chuckle I nodded and got to work helping Hermionie, as well as Luna and Ginny who came over and joined us.

Harry was shouting out instructions as he weaved in and out of the group, helping where he could, while I focused mainly on the girls, as well as Colin and Dennis who joined us also.

Ginny was the first in my group, in fact the whole DA to produce a full body pertronus, a horse that galloped about the room.

Hermione was next in my group, to produse hers an otter, that swam around her excitedly.

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