The summer had whizzed by this year. My dad were on their honeymoon still, so I was in the care of the Weasley's. Which was wherein was tonight.
I was sat on my bay window, curled up in my PJ's...well, a pair of pyjama Shorts and one of Harry's Quidditch shirts, reading another muggle book Hermione had given me...The Stand by Stephen King.
It was a fantastic read.
I just couldn't get into it because my mind was always raicing with worries.
About my dads.
About school.
About Harry, who I hadn't heard much from over the summer. He wrote to me when he could. Mostly explaining how he was always out of the Dursley house, trying to stay as far away from them as he could.
I'd been trying to read it all summer and I was almost finished with it, except tonight seemed to be a busier night than usual.
There wasn't a busy household tonight. I was in my room reading. Hermione was going over her school books...again. Ron was, being Ron and Ginny...well Ginny was the one making the racket.
"Mum!" I heard Ginny yell, sounding as if she was downstairs. I let out a huff and closed my book. Not wanting to keep rereading the same line.
"Ginny! What is it?" Molly called, from near by, probably outside my room at the stairs.
"I was only wondering when Harry got here?". At the mention of Harry's name I stood up from my seat by the window, placing my book down and ran to the door.
"What? Harry? Harry who?" Molly asked, but by now I was already standing next to Molly, looking at Ginny.
"Harry Potter ofcourse."
"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house wouldn't I?" I decided I best check this out myself so I headed downstairs, still listening in Ginny call at her mum.
"His trunks in the Kitchen...and his owl."
"No Ginny, I seriously doubt that." Just as I hit the ground floor I heard and owl chirp.
"Hedwig?" I asked, rushing to the kitchen
"Did someone say harry?" I heard Ron ask, so I ran back to look up at him.
"Me nosey." Ginny sassed her older brother, making me smile a little.
"Is he up there with you?" I asked Ron, excitement builded in my stomach.
"I think I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't I."
"Well, I'd know if my boyfriend was here, but here I am...confused." I sassed back, but before Ron could reply Hermione appeared on the stairs.
"Is that an owl I heard?" Hermione appeared from the floor above Ron.
"You haven't seem him have you?" I shouted up at her, to which she shook his head.
"Apparently he's wondering around the house somewhere." Ginny explained.
"Really?" Hermione asked shocked.
"Really." I heard a voice speak, one I knew all to well. With wide eyes, and my heart beating in my chest, I ran towards the voice and stopped where I saw him.
There, stood in the Weasley's living room what Harry Potter, a big, goofy grin on his face.
"HARRY!" I yelled excitedly and I ran forward and jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs round his waist, the biggest smile on my face as I buried my face in his neck.
"Well, hello to you too." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist tightly.
"I've missed you, so much." I muttered, ignoring the rushing footsteps as I climbed down off of my boyfriend and stepped back so everyone else could say hello.
"I missed you too." He smiled as he gave Ginny a quick hug. Then Hermione threw herself around him.
And the Ron.
Finally Molly came rushing down, holding her arms out.
"What a lovely surprise." She chuckled as she wrapped her arms around the boy into a quick motherly hug, then placed her hands on his face. "Why didn't you tell us you were coming?"
"I didn't know...Dumbledore." Harry explained, his eyes drifting to me.
In no time I all I was beside Harry, once again, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, my head on his chest.
"Oh that man...but what would we do with out him?" Molly chuckled as she began to move away. I turned to look at Hatry, who was already looking at me, smiling lovingly.
"By the way, I missed you too." He whispered before placing a kiss in my lips.
It only lasted a second, but i was a second I enjoyed.
It wasn't long after that, Harry, Ron Hermione and I were sat in Ron's room, around a burning piece of newspaper over a tray. The heat coming from it was alot more than expected there to be, so I just sort of lolled my head on Harry's Lap while he played with my hair.
"So, when ymdid you two get here?" Harry spoke, looking between Hermione and I.
"I've been here since the wedding, Dad and ... dad are coming back from their honeymoon in a could hours, they're coming by tomorrow, before he head to Diagon ally." I informed him, moving my head so I could look up at him, only to find he was already smiling down at me.
"I got here a few days ago, though, for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming." Hermione spoke up, playing with her hands.
"Mum sort of lost it last week." Ron began.
"Understatement." I muttered, but ron just ignored me.
"Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. It's too dangerous."
"Even tried to stop me from going back." I huffed.
"Come on..." Harry tutted.
"She's not alone. Even my parents, who are muggles, know something bad's happening." Hermione spoke up, worry written all over her face.
"Anyway, Arthur stepped in, told her she was being wacko..." I chimed in, earning a glare from Ron.
"It took a few days but she came round." Ron finished.
"But...this is Hogwarts we're talking about...Dumbledore, what could be safer?" Harry argued, stress building up, so I reached over and grabbed his hand in mine and pulling it to lay on my chest, our fingers interlocking.
"There's been a lot of talk..." Hermione spoke up, awkwardly looking around the room.
"Rubbish, he's only..." Harry began, but stopped when he realised he didn't actually know. "What is he?"
"150..." Ron guessed, smirking a little.
"Give to take a few year." I finished making the group laugh. The first sound of actually laughter I had heard since my dads wedding.
I sat up and looked around at my family and smiled.
Hermione was sat glancing at Ron who was speaking to Harry about Quidditch tryouts. Harry's hands were wrapped around my waist, his hands rest on my hips, under my...his shirt, his thumb absent mindedly stroking at my skin, sending a wave of butterflies through my stomach.
"We're gonna be OK you guys." I spoke up, earning some confused glances from the group. "At Hogwarts, this year. We'll be OK. What ever this year throws at us we'll face it head on, like we always do."
"Together." Harry finished, placing ankiss on my forehead.
"Together." Ron and Hermione agreed

Aurora Lupin-Black
FanfictionImagine being born of the same day as your best friend. The person you would risk you're everything for, only for it all to be taken away before you had even had the chance to discover it, by your father being locked up for murder you didn't believe...