Chapter 12: Am I dead? ✔

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I woke up in a house...but not just any house, it was the house o remembered from when I was a a baby. Not my old house. Harry's house.

It looked exactly as it had in my dreams, except it was different too. There where photos hung on the walls, photos that couldn't possibly be hung in the Potters house because they were taken at Hogwarts. There were photos of Harry, Ron, Hermione and I, Harry and I at the Yule Ball, us on dates, pictures of me and my dads at their wedding, Harry and I at the wedding, me with the Weasley's.

It was all just impossible that they would all be here.

"Nothings impossible around here Rore." A voice spoke from behind me making me jump.

I turned around and frozen immediately at the sight..

There in the door way stood James Potter. My godfather. My boyfriends dad...the man who was killed Halloween 1981.

"Yeah, I know, cool right. Yourentalking to your dads dead bestfriend.

"Not to mention my boyfriends dead father." I spoke up, looking at the man wide eyed.

"Hey, i was getting to that bit." He laughed as he rushed over and hugged me tightly.

"What the hell is happening right now? Am I dead?"

"Kinda yeah." James grimaced as he pulled away. "But there's good news."

"What kinda good news could you possibly give me. I'm dead...oh god Harry, oh he's gonna kill me...and my dads...they'll be heart broken...of I'm a horrible person. I have to go back, I need to be with Harry, I need to help him and make sure he's OK. I.. I can't leave him uncle James, he..he needs me and I need him and....and..." i cried hysterically as i panicked.

I don't care that I'm dead. I care about Harry and my dads, and Ron and Hermione too. Oh this isn't good.

"Shh, sweetheart, you're OK Harry is OK he's...well he's with Dumbledore right now so he dosn't know what's happening to you." James reassured me, but it didn't make me feel any better.

"How can I leave him."

"You won't honey, you get to go back." Another voice I recognize spoke and I turned to see Lily walking towards us.

"Aunt Lily?" I grinned as I rushed over to pull her into a hug. Then I realized what I said.

"What do you mean I get to go back?"

"It's not quite you time yet Sweetheart, you're just....passing through... visiting." James smiled kindly at me.

"Of course, you get to spend some time with us first baby girl." A third voice spoke, this one I didn't recognize, but when I turned around I saw someone who looked exactly like me standing next to me.

"Mum?" I asked tears streaming and a lumb growing in my throat.

"Hey baby girl." She smiled at me. "Look at you, you've grown into such an incredible young woman."

"I..well...I had someone pretty great bringing me up." I smiled, wiping the tears away.

"I've seen. I've been watching over you, Remus has done a fantastic job, your dad to when he got back."

"Yeah, they were pretty great." I chuckled.

"And now they're married." Lily smiled.

"Called it!" James announced, holding his hand up, lily and my mum get the older man a look and he just shrugged. "I did, the two were crazy about each other in height school, but neither would admit it."

"The two were idiot when Sirius and I were together. I told him, before I died, I told him to go after Remus and tell him the truth." My mum said making the group laugh.

"And look what happened, they have a pretty great family going on huh?"

"I'd say so." I nodded.

"And Harry? Hows he doing?" Mum asked.

"Great. He's happy...well as happy as a 16 year old can be when being forced into a war." I shrugged, sitting down and looking at my mum, lily and James.

"I'm so proud of you both, for everything you guys have done so far." James smiled as he sat across from me.

"And thank you Rory, for sticking by my boy side and taking care of him all this time." Lily chuckled as she beside me.

"I didn't do it on my own." I blushed.

"Yeah, I...I know, A Weasley and a muggle born girl named Hermione right?" James grinned. "I do like those twins though, Fred and George. Great kids."

"You only like them because they reminded you of You and my dad." I laughed as James who shrugged.

"Not going to deny it huh?" Lily chuckled.

"Not that I don't love see you guys, because I really do, is someone gonna tell me what I'm doing here?" I asked, looking between the three adults in the room.

"We don't quite know Rore, you're just here and when it's time to go back, you will."

"So what do I do here?"

"You decided if you want to stay or go back to Harry." My mum smiled.

"Harry." I spoke immediately.

"Not even gonna take a second to think about it?" James smirked, making me blush.

"There's no need. I love Harry, I need to make sure he makes it out alive, even if I don't.

"You will Miss Lupin-Black." A fourth voice spoke up and I looked over to see Dumbledore standing with a kind smile on his face.

"Professor Dumbledore...what...what are you doing here?" I asked him, looking up at him, shocked clear on my face.

"The same as these young people, young lady, I'm dead."

"What, no, no you can't be dead, What about Harry, how? Wheres Harry?"

"He's fine miss Lupin-Black, he's Absolutely fine." He told me. "When you get back, he'll be at the bottom of the astronomy tower. My guess he'll be a bit upset but he'll be there and he'll need you."

"He always needs me, just as much as you need him, I.. I have to go back, I have to help him." I sniffed, standing up.

"Little pads, take care of my boy, OK." James smiled. "And make sure you old man and Moony are looked after too."

"Promise Prongs, with my life." I smiled sadly.

"You guys will be with us right?" I asked, looking at my family, all who watched me sadly.

"With will sweetheart, we'll be by your side, both you and Harry. Even when you guys get married." James smiled, making me blush, and laugh.

"Miss Lupin-Black, please tell Harry not to worry, that this was ment to happen and that he's the only one that can stop Voldemort and that you need to make sure he knows he's not alone." Dumbledore instructed, makeing me smile.

"Its almost time honey, can I get one last hung before you go?" My mum asked and I nodded hugging tightly, then Lily and then James.

"We love you little Pads, and Harry, make sure you tell him that." James smiled.

And then I was plunged into darkness again.

I sat up with a loud gasp in the hospital wing.

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