"Dad! Have you seem my.... never mind!" I yelled as I spotted my leather jacket and placed it in my trunk that I was currently packing, ready for school in a few days.
"What's all the noise about?" I heard a voice asked, I turned to see my dad lent against my door frame, a smile on his face.
"Sorry, I couldn't find my leather jacket... the one Moony gave me of your." I smiled sheepishly as I held up said jacket, making my dad look at me confused.
"I gave you a new one, so you wouldn't have to wear that old thing anymore." My dad chuckled, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me, kissing the top of my head with a small, quite laugh.
"I know, but it was the only thing I had left of you for a long time, I'm taking it with me so I have a piece of you with me at school." I smiled up at him, "I even have one of Moony's jumpers. I stole that years ago."
I pulled away from my dad and walked back over to my bed, where my almost packed truck sat and put the jacket in, as well as the last of my clothes.
"Wait... what are you wearing?"
I looked down to see in was wearing a pair of skinny jeans. My black biker boots and one of Harry's Quidditch jumpers I had stolen last year. It was red with gold stripes and had 'POTTER' written on the back.
Because he was a lot taller than me, it sort of drowned me a little, so I had to tuck it in and the sleeves were pushed up, so they didn't fall over my hands, like they usually did.
"Harry's jumper." I shrugged, as if it was the most normal thing in the world, which I guess to Harry and I... it was, even Ron and Hermione would have seen this as normal by now.
"And does Harry know you have stolen his clothes?" He smirked.
"Hey, it is a girlfriend's prerogative to steal her boyfriend's clothes, to wear them around over girls so that they know he is taken... also it is incredibly comfortable and smells like him." I laughed, wrapping my arms around myself.
Over the summer, Dad had gotten used to the fact I have a boyfriend. It wasn't easy, but we got there. Now he would sort of joke about Harry with me and Moony. He stopped hiding the letters I had received from him and even offered to have Harry over for dinner. Sadly the Dursleys wouldn't let him come over, but no worries, it would only be a few days until I went back to school and saw him.
Ron and Hermione too of cause.
"Besides, you steal Moony's clothes all the time." I reminded him.
It was true, many a times I had seen dad in one of Remus' jumpers, as we were curled up on the sofa, Moony reading to us.
A really family.
"That's different, I wasn't... I didn't... you..." with a huff dad gave up and turned around, walking out of my room.
"Oh, yeah, dinner's ready." He told me as he reappeared at my door again.
With a happy skip in my step I left my room and rushed downstairs to find Dad and Remus sitting at the table, a Sunday roast in our usual places.
"The last dinner together in our home... as a family. What a sad occasion." I sighed, as I sad down.
"Don't be so dramatic." Dad huffed as he began eating.
"She gets that from you." Remus mumbled.
"YOU TAKE THAT BACK REMUS JOHN LUPIN OR I SWEAR I'LL...." my dad yelled, slamming his hands on the table, tear brimming in his eyes.
Obviously it was all in a playful manner which was why I saw the glint of humour in his eyes as he glared at Remus.
"My point exactly." Remus laughed. "Always so dramatic."
"Like father like daughter, right old man." I grinned cheekily at my father who rolled his eyes but the shrugged.
"Yeah, OK, I'm dramatic, but it makes sad moments like these a little more interesting." Dad shrugged.
"That it does my love." Remus grinned.
I should probably catch you up on the mess I had witness this summer.
It want as such:
• At first, Dad and Remus refused to accept Harry and I were dating until a few weeks ago; they got grumpy when ever a letter from Harry arrived, even when it was addressed the Sirius. They refused to even acknowledge I was 13... going on 14.
But when my birthday came and I got so happy and excited when I saw that Harry had sent me a birthday card and a muggle band shirt... Led Zeppelin or something, they finally saw I was happy and started coming round to the idea.
• Dad and I spent every full moon with Moony, keeping him company, then spent the rest of our time cuddled up on the couch, dad listening to Remus and I tell him stories about me growing up.
From my first time turning in to Pup (Which shocked up both, let me tell you) all the way up to helping Harry, Ron and Hermione fight off Voldemort, twice and then try to fight of a murderous Psychopath seemingly intent on killing the boy who lived.
Dad enjoyed that I had his attitude and personality. I think he rather enjoyed how much trouble I always ended up it. He said it reminded him of his time in Hogwarts, him and James always getting into trouble while Remus was always trying to keep them out of trouble, but always failed.
•Remus and my dad spent alot of time together, talking and decided that they would, pretty much pick up where they left off... or at least try to.
It hadn't been easy, adjusting to the new normal we would be living from now on, but when is anything like this easy.
I was just happy to have my dad back in my life, except now I have to leave him to go back to school.
Which sucks.
"You OK there little Pup?" My dads voice cut me from my thoughts, making me jump a little.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry, just lost in my own world." I smiled, looking down to my half finished food.
"Thinking about Horry again?" He smirked, making me blush as I shook my head.
"No, just thinking about how strange it's been with you being back and now that I'm used to having you around again, I have to leave."
"You'll be just fine Pup, we can write whenever you want and we'll be back together soon enough." He reassured me, talking should of my hand.
"I know dad. I'm just gonna miss you is all."
"I'm gonna miss you too Pup."
"We both are." Moony smiled, glancing at dad who watched me.

Aurora Lupin-Black
FanfictionImagine being born of the same day as your best friend. The person you would risk you're everything for, only for it all to be taken away before you had even had the chance to discover it, by your father being locked up for murder you didn't believe...