Chapter 6: A Slightly Broken Hermione ✔

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It was the morning of the first Quidditch match of the year and Ron was Bricking it.

I mean he was at like, throw up, level nervous.

He and Harry had already headed down to the great hall while I was getting ready, planning on meeting then at the Quidditch pitch.

I pulled on my Blue jeans, my Gryffindor team jumper (OK so it was Harry's jumper, but same difference) and my extra bits of jewellery I always wore.

I pulled on my Blue jeans, my Gryffindor team jumper (OK so it was Harry's jumper, but same difference) and my extra bits of jewellery I always wore

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I also pulled on my usual black ankle boots,

And my hat, scarf, gloves and coat before making my way to the Quidditch pitch where people were starting to gather

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And my hat, scarf, gloves and coat before making my way to the Quidditch pitch where people were starting to gather.

"Hey, there gorgeous." I heard a voice speak and I turned around to see Harry and Ron walking towards me, Ron looking a lot better then before.

"Hey, good luck today boy play well and don't lose, I made a bet with the twins that you'd actually win. I'd hate to lose against those too." I spoke as I hugged them both and kissed Harry good luck. "I know you'd do Brilliantly."

With that I turned and left to find Hermione who was already sitting in the stand.

Through out the game Ron did amazingly, he saved so many goals I hardly recognised it was even him.

Hermione and i were cheering for the boys like there was not tomorrow, so much so that by the time the game had finished and we were stood in the common room cheering for our favourite keeper, our voices were beginning to fade a little.

"He was so great." Hermione gushed as we watched Ron soak in her well deserved victory.

"He was." I smiled, them glanced over at her. "So, you gonna ask him to the Slughorn party?"

"I...erm....well..." she began to stutter  turning a bright red.

"Hermione, it's OK, I know you like Ron." I teased, bumping her shoulder. "And i think he likes you too."

"You think?"

"I'm not a Ron expert or anything, but I've known him long enough to know when he fancies someone. So ask him, before he thinks you don't like him."

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