Chapter 10: The O.W.Ls Go Off With A Bang ✔️✔️

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I had hardly spoken for the last couple of weeks after Umbridge was made headmistress and had made up some more ridiculous rules.

She had removed all of the portraits off of the walls, locked up the castle and stopped trips to Hogsmead in the process.

Students of the opposite sex weren't allowed within 8 inches of each other.

She had also punished every member of the DA with detentions and her blood quill.

We had all been sat in the great hall, lined up at our desks, writing in silence, the odd gasp of pain here and there.

I stayed quiet, only really talking to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny. After classes I usually just stayed in the common room, because I was always so angry, always wanting to rip off the pink Bitches head every time she so much as breathed near me.

The only time I had spoken was after I received a letter from my dad.

Harry, Ron and Hermione had gone for a walk, probably to see Hagrid, while I sat on the sofa of the Gryffindor Common Room, my head in Ginny's lap as she combed her fingers throw my hair. 

That was until a letter landed on my stomach... but there was no owl insight. With a shrug, I sat up, opened it and read the contents out loud to Ginny, who laughed and insisted I read it to the others as soon as they got in.

Which I did.

"Hey, I got a letter from dad," I told the trio as they walked over and sat down, Harry taking Ginny's place under my head while Gin sat by my feet, pulling my legs on top of her.

"What does it say?" Hermione asked as she sat beside Ron on the other sofa.

"My Dearest Pup,

If moony knew I was writing to you, he'd have my head but I need to tell you how, absolutely, proud I am of you." I read aloud, earning a chuckle from Ginny and Ron.

"Kingsley told us about your... tiff, with your DADA professor and I have to say, you did me, and the other Marauders proud kid. Never in my life did I ever think I would hear of my daughter calling the Minister of Magic 'blinded by arrogance and stand up to him as you did. I'm so proud of you Aurora."

"He isn't wrong, Aura, Harry told us you even yelled at Percy, dad said even mum laughed when she heard." Ron chuckled as he cut me off.

"Thanks." I smiled, then looked back at the letter. "And I'm extremely proud of what you and Harry have done, creating the 'Dumbledore's Army' and teaching those kids how to fight, giving them useful skills.

You and Harry have done James and I so proud princess,(Your dad too, he just won't admit it because he 'doesn't want to encourage such behaviour, but I think even Lily would have condoned your behaviour under these circumstances.)"

I looked up at Harry who was smiling sadly at the mention of his parents, but it soon turned into a smile when he listened to what I had said.

"Be careful little Pup and try to keep a hold of your anger, I know it can be tough, bottling it up but there are ways to help relieve such stress, just, don't EVER, do what I did to relieve stress, I'm not ready to be a grandpa."

Harry burst out laughing at that part and leant down to kiss my forehead as I continued reading.

"Moony and I are so ready for you to come home love and you can tell us all about the DA.

We miss you dearly, yes, even Harry too.

Good luck, Yourself, Harry, Ron and Hermione with your O.W.L.s coming up, we know you will knock 'em dead, so to speak.

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