Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes almost in shock. I could still feel his hands running over my bare skin, and the touch of his lips on mine.

"Damn..." I whispered still sleepy as the dream seemed so real.

I had dreamed of the events of the day before. My subconscious taking me there again. As I got out of the bed, my eyes hit the books scattered on my table. His phone number written on my book tempting me so much.

"I better take a shower and let this go." I said out loud and walking to the bathroom.

I ran the water and let it go warm. Then, I stepped under it and stayed there for a few minutes. Thoughts going to James again, and his hotel room. His kindness and willingness to help. Then, his touch, his whispers, his fingers pressing on my skin. His hands tugging on my hips. His lips kissing my neck, my lips. He had left a mark on me, not love, obviously, but lust. Lust like I haven't felt before. I felt so tempted to call him but I refrained and refused to do that.

After breakfast, I left for college. The only good thing left in my life, but I wasn't sad or angry at the world anymore. Instead, I felt refreshed and prepared for the war I had ahead. I made plans about what I would do in the future. I thought of places where I could work and then Colton... that was the hardest part. I love him unconditionally and couldn't let go as easy as I wanted. Then Colton assaulted my thoughts again. Making love to him was nothing like the rush I felt the day before, nor that pleasant. I concluded that James being older was a plus. He knew what to do with a woman and I loved every bit of it. I looked outside as the bus took its turn and a smile almost formed in my lips. I would never forget that experience of mine. It wasn't even the fact that he was this huge Rockstar. It was all about the things he made me feel and how he possessed me.

"Oh God..." I whispered feeling my insides pulsing in need for him again. I fanned myself to cool down the heat that invaded my body.

I got out of the bus right in front of the lawn of my college and I saw Diana running in my direction. I smiled at her. I was no longer the friend she had left the day before. I was a rejuvenated woman with goals again and ready to face life.

"Cleo!" She exclaimed when she saw me. "Colton has been looking for you." She delivered the news, but I didn't care. Though, I must confess, my heart raced a bit.

"I don't want to talk to him." I told her keeping on walking slowly with her by my side.

"You don't?" She asked surprised.

I just shook my head in silence and holding onto my philosophy book as if I was holding onto my life. That book was a treasure and contained the most tempting offer that I ever had to fight against. It was corroding me. I was so tempted it was not even healthy.

"How come? You look different from yesterday!" She exclaimed.

I was happy she noticed and a soft smile formed on my lips. I looked at her straight in the eye because I knew she wasn't finished. Diana was never finished with two sentences.

"I mean... different in a good way. Yesterday you seemed so lost..." She continued.

"I was lost..." I said. "But then life showed me that some bad things happen, just to some wonderful things come next." I said and Diana curled an eyebrow.

She didn't have a clue of what I was talking about, and it would remain that way. I didn't want to share my story with anyone, not even with her who was my best friend. I could not tell who he was or just tell her, but I truly didn't want to share details nor did I want to admit how good sex washed away all the pain I had in my heart.

When we got near the door of my classroom, I saw Colton standing there. He was waiting for me; I was sure and there I couldn't avoid him. We looked at each other's eyes and Diana got inside the classroom without saying a word. I was about to do the same when his hand caught my wrist and I was forbidden to do so.

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