Chapter 20

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James didn't call nor did he text. Days went by, even weeks and nothing. I assumed he had made his decision. His silence and absence showed me that and my heart ached like never before. I shut down to the world. I didn't take any calls. I didn't go out at the street, except for my morning jogging. I didn't watch TV. I barely eat and cried all the time. Depression took care of me. I missed James incredibly, tremendously, like I have never missed anyone in the world before and though I had felt tempted to call him many times. I always resisted to do so. I would respect his decision of not contacting me.

It wasn't until the fourth week that I had another big wake up call. I got up and felt really sick, like I had been feeling for the past two weeks but I knew something was wrong. I just refused to accept it. It would be too wrong if my suspicious were right, and too scary as well.

I left that morning to run. Just as usual but I had to stop as I felt dizzy and almost felt like I was going to faint. From there, I went to a pharmacy and bought the test. My breasts had been feeling sore and I noticed they were bigger too. With shaken legs and hands and tears in my eyes, I took the test home and peed on it. While waiting, I prayed to God to give me the answer I wanted but then I looked down at it and two traces were showing. I kneeled on the floor. I was alone, unemployed, and pregnant. Things couldn't be worse.

"Oh fuck..." I sobbed. "No... this can't be... no..."

Suddenly, a knock on my door made me raise from the floor. Friends had been trying to reach me but I refused to talk and let anyone inside my house, not even Diana.

"Cleo! I know you're in there... open the door." I heard Colton's voice on the outside. "Open the door. I will stay here until you open the fucking door." He menaced.

I sat on the couch and curled up, holding onto my legs. Colton punched the door violently, making the whole apartment shake and yelled at me to open it. I thought he'd give up, but he didn't. I can safely tell that he knocked on my door for half an hour. Then, I got up and went to open it.

"Look at you!" He exclaimed. "You look so thin, Cleo."

"What do you want? Leave me alone." I said, but Colton ignored my words and came inside.

I closed the door surrendering and my shoulders began to shake and I cried again.

"Oh Cleo.... it's so hard for me to see you like this." Colton grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit on my couch. "You haven't seen anyone or even talked to anyone. All your friends are so worried. You don't even pick up our calls."

"I don't want to see anyone or talk." I said.

"Why not? Look... I know what happened... you shouldn't close yourself the way you're doing. You're not even eating, I can tell..."

"I miss him..." I blurted not caring it was Colton I was talking too. "I miss him so much and now everything is fucked up, so fucked up."

"He divorced Cleo!" Colton exclaimed and I looked at him surprised. "You closed yourself in such way that you don't even see the news or read newspapers. He divorced, it hit the news."

"He did?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, he did." Colton reassured me.

James had divorced either way and I felt so stupid that moment for not trusting him when he asked me to.

"It doesn't matter now. He didn't call or say anything. I guess he doesn't want me. Not now anyway, he wouldn't."

"What do you mean?" Colton asked me.

"I'm pregnant." I said. "I'm pregnant..." I repeated as sobs attacked me again.

"How did that happen?"

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