Chapter 28

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My parents came to spend the weekend with me. I was astonished my mother could yank my father from their house in the village to come to the big city, but I was glad she did so for I missed my father and I knew he was having a hard time accepting my pregnancy. Not the pregnancy itself but the fact that I was pregnant and alone, no boyfriend, no husband, nothing. And the fact that Willow's father was a Rockstar was also something he couldn't deal with quite well. Still, he was tender to me and at the same time cold. He was always torn between the two which sometimes hurt me. To my father I was still his little girl. I don't think he fully accepted that I was a 30-year-old woman.

"So, he was the one providing all this?" My mother asked as I told her the whole story.

We were at the terrace enjoying a warm night while my father watched a football game.

"Yeah... and I don't know what to do mom. I don't want to accept all this, it's too much. He doesn't have to..." I was telling her but my mother caught my hand and squeezed it and I stopped talking to look at her.

"Take it." She said. "Because there's not much you can do right now. His attitude was very noble despite all. He's willing to help you and it's not like you thought... you thought that he didn't care at all. He took his time, maybe too much time and he was rude but he came to his senses."

"He said he didn't love me anymore." I said trying to control myself but my shoulders began to shake.

"And you still do..." My mother concluded.

"I've always said I did but seeing him and being around him is very hard. Before, I knew I loved him but as there was no interaction between us it was easier. But this week... hearing his voice... seeing him was very tough..." I cried.

"Sweetie, you have to be strong. You know you have to interact with him. After all, you're carrying his child. Did he say he didn't love you anymore?"

I shook my head. "Not these words but he said he didn't want to talk about us that we were history. It was all about Willow now." I explained. "I guess that's the same thing, isn't it?"

"What did you expect? That he'd tell you that he still loves you and wants to be with you. Probably he's hurt. It's not only you that have feelings, you know. Seven months are gone. Maybe he actually fell out of love with you, but there's also the slight chance that he's still in love with you, but that's not what matters now is it?"

I shook my head again. "What did he say regarding Willow?" My mother asked next.

"He said that he wants to be in her life."

"And you have to let him. We've talked about this. It's his right, so you have to let him. Don't use your daughter to hurt him. If you love him Cleo, the way you say you do, then don't hurt him anymore." She advised me but I had no intention of keeping him away from the baby.

"I showed him some scans I had of the last appointments. There was not much I could do." I said cleaning my eyes.

"It puts my mother's heart to a rest knowing he put you in a safe place. I was afraid of how this story was gonna turn out but he showed some character after all. You wouldn't be alone. You know that you could come back home and we would help you. It's a good thing Willow is going to have her daddy around. It would be harder than you think sweetie, even though you could do this alone and in the end you wished he was there in a way."

"I know..." I agreed.

"I've told you this before. You have your daughter to care about now. In two months she will be here. You see things will be easier for you then. You'll be distracted with her. A newborn baby is a hand full of work." My mother smiled.

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