Chapter 16

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After the mall, I went straight to the venue. I had to comply with my duties. In there, I was genuinely happy to leave Tom behind. I confess that having him following me around the whole morning and part of the afternoon had not been a pleasant experience for me. I wasn't use to that and it felt incredibly weird. So, I was more than satisfied for not being followed around anymore. Lars and Kirk were on the corridor talking and I greeted them. Then, I decided to look for James.

"Have you seen James?" I asked them.

"At the stage." Lars shouted as I was already walking away.

I went there. James was talking to the sound engineer, so I stayed a bit on the back, but I knew he had acknowledged my presence. Once he was done, he came to me.

"How did the shopping go?" He asked, but he didn't kiss me. As a reflex, I refrained from doing the same.

"It went alright. How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good." He ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I have the interviews in half an hour. You better check on the place to see if everything is organized."

I nodded. "Ok, I'll do that." My tone was one of disappointment.

Instead of wanting to talk, he just bossed me. Not that he was not entitled to do it. After all, I was still working for him, but I expected him to be the boyfriend that moment and he was none of that. Not even close. James was even cold, if I have to be honest and that hurt me.

I walked away and went to check on the interviews room as I had been told. Most of the work was already done, the only thing that I had to do was to bring some bottles of water and place them on the table. When I was finishing doing that, the door opened and I looked back to find James coming in. He closed the door gently and pulled a chair to sit. Then, he pulled the one by his side and motioned me to sit. I did so. We stared at each other for a few seconds in silence. My heart was giving me such a hard time that moment, leaving me more anxious than I already was. Finally, James spoke.

"He wants to go back to you doesn't he?" He asked and deep inside I was glad he was willing to talk after all.

Even if it was about the conversation I had had with Colton, I think it was the normal thing for him to ask that moment.

"You already knew that. "I told him patiently. "Since that phone call when we were still in Europe."

James nodded remembering. "Clearly one of your friends told him where you were staying."

"I know, and I am not happy about that." I clarified. "I know Diana didn't do it. She's my best friend. She wouldn't do something like that."

"What did you tell him?" He asked and I could feel fear in his words.

"I told him that I want him to be happy, which is sincerely true, but that he needs to move on because I have already done it."

"Are you really sure of that?" He asked looking in my eyes.

"I am really sure. 100% sure." I affirmed nodding and James got up.

"I think it's time for the meet n' greet." He announced.

I was surprised he'd end up the conversation so abruptly but I also knew that wasn't the right place nor the right time. We were always rushing on days like that. The days they had gigs were insane and busy, so I got up to go with him. We walked in silence for a while but before we entered the place he spoke again.

"It was weird to see you with him, talking to him." He confessed. "I..." James shook his head and went silent.

"I know..." I sighed. "Baby, I know... but it had to be done. For him, for us... it had to be done. I am sorry you had to bump into him. I am sorry that you had to see him that close. I know it must hurt, but he would never leave me alone if I didn't talk to him and we would never be able to end this subject." I explained.

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