Chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up alone in bed but I could hear James's voice in the living room of our suite. He was talking to someone and suddenly I was sure I had heard him saying my name. After rubbing my sleep away, I pulled the covers away and tiptoed near the door, which was slightly opened. The fact that I heard him talking about me got me curious.

"Yes. Sir." I heard Tom's voice.

"From now on Cleo's name should not be on the list of the people that stay with us in hotels. No one can know where she is. I hope I am clear about this." James instructed.

I closed my eyes as I heard the words. Once again, he was showing me little trust. Worse than that, he was doing everything behind my back. He didn't ask me if I agreed with his decision. I tiptoed until the bathroom and opened the water. Then, while it got warm, I grabbed something to wear. Honestly, I didn't even take time doing it. I was feeling a bit pissed off at him again. Showing me no trust was the best way to lose me. He should know that.

Despite my slight rage, I decided to try and let it go. I didn't want to pick up another fight with him. So, I went to my shower after grabbing some clothes. I was letting the water fall down on me, when I felt the door of the bathroom opening slowly. Right after, I saw his head popping in.

"You're up." He said smiling.

I offered a smile too, but inside I was boiling and trying to control it. I was short fused too, just like he was and I was still not certain if I should tell him something about what I heard or not. One thing I was sure, I didn't like to fight with him, and since James, clearly, didn't trust me, I was unsure if it was a good idea to go against what he wanted. However, I hated people bossing me around. I hated people making decisions for me and I hated even more the fact that not even a little he could trust me. He was trying to control me. To control who could or could not come close to me. I could have friends looking for me, not just Colton. He didn't think of that.

"How are you?" I asked closing the water. Immediately, his arm handed me a towel.

"I am fine. Wanna have breakfast? I was waiting for you to wake up." He said, sounding rather relaxed. But I was let down.

"Yeah... I am hungry." I said.

My words came out without affection though. I was like that. Incapable to pretended everything was alright if nothing was alright, and James curled an eyebrow when he heard my tone.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked immediately. I turned my head fast to look at him and my lips parted to speak, but nothing came out of them as I held my harsh words inside. "I thought we were alright. We talked last night." He continued.

"Yeah, I thought we were alright too." I said, again, coldly.

James gave a step forward and grabbed my arm, spinning me around to make me look at him.

"And we are, right?" He asked looking deep in my eyes.

"You're not!" I exclaimed, losing the control over my emotions. I freed my arm from his and began to ran the towel on my hair.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

I remained silent, looking at my image in the mirror and trying to pull myself together again. Still, James pulled me back a little and sat on the basin, blocking my view.

"Can you look at me when I talk to you?" He asked me.

That was all it took. I put the towel down and looked in his face for a few seconds. I could not pretend I haven't heard anything. I had to let it out of my chest.

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