Chapter 11

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All our bags were being carried away to the vans, as we were flying back to the States. New York would be the first city being visited by Metallica's American Tour. James was reunited with the band and I was sat at a table, having breakfast with Connie.

"So, are you guys together? We all saw the hands and the kiss yesterday?" Connie smiled.

I played a little with my food before answering her. I wasn't sure if I should say anything, but then I remembered how James and I agreed we didn't want to hide or lie to anyone. We were both free, I knew that already, so I nodded at her. A smile of contentment forming on my lips. My heart even racing a bit.

"We are." I affirmed. "He's separated..."

"I know. It's been a long time since we all know, but I didn't want to be the one telling you." Connie said. "You know, it's a private matter and we didn't want to go there. That's why I told you, you needed to talk to him because I felt he'd tell you the truth."

"Yeah... I remember you saying that two nights ago. I didn't think it was that, but then he told me so..." I said.

"There was a weird vibe between you two, we all could see that!" Connie laughed.

"God... this all seems so unreal!" I exclaimed. I could not believe I was actually together with him.

"Are you happy?" She asked.

"I am. He's amazing." I smiled.

"And your ex? How's that going in your head? Well, and in your heart?"

"Colton...well...Colton is someone I used to love. James is the one I love now." I told her without lumps in my throat or any trace of doubt in my heart.

"There's no doubt?" She still asked.

"No..." I shook my head. "I felt torn between them for some time. I won't deny that. I refused to be in love with James so I fed my feelings for Colton. Then, he called I didn't feel anything. I realized that what I felt was fear and not love. Then, I talked to James that same night about it and that conversation opened my eyes for reality. The reality was that was that I was in love with him. Also Lars..." I laughed and Connie laughed too.

"He can be so sneaky." She commented. "He had been telling me for some time that you two were in love. He knows James so well."

"He asked me directly if I was in love with James! I began to think about it... things happened meanwhile." I told her.

"They're touring LA. I bet your ex is gonna look for you there." Connie told me.

"James doesn't want me to talk to him. He feels so insecure..."

"You have to be the one washing away his insecurity. Maybe with time he'll let go. You're gonna have to face Colton though. You're gonna have to talk to him sooner or later."

I stopped talking and just thought about Connie's words. Being away from LA just made things easy, going back there made me shake a little. Not because I was afraid I'd feel something, but because I could feel it would shake James a little.

"I know..."

"Are you also afraid?" Connie contemplated me.

"Not for me, no. I know I can look at Colton now and tell him it's really over, but for him..." I pointed at James. "I am afraid of his reaction, that's all. Not for me, not at all."

"If you are so secure and sure of your feelings Cleo, then you're gonna be fine." She said.

"Yeah." I smiled at her.

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