Chapter 19

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I woke up the next morning in an empty bed. I tip toed until the door and peaked. James was sat at the table, already dressed, having breakfast, and staring at the papers. I could see him struggling from there and my heart ached. Before I joined him, and I needed some courage to do so. I took my morning shower and got dressed too. When he heard the door opening, he turned around to look at me.

"Coffee is still warm." He said quietly.

I sat in front of him and he gathered the papers together but didn't put it inside the envelope.

"I think we need to talk." I told him courageously, since I had been thinking while having shower. "Serious talk... right now I am truly hurt." I said.

"I don't know what to tell you..." He said low, and at the same time his eyes also went down.

James could not even face me and not caring if he was there, I stretched out my arm to grab his divorce papers just to acknowledge he didn't sign it.

"Don't say anything." I said determined. I put it back to its place and got up. I didn't even eat. "It's clear, very clear."

He grabbed my hand. "I have to say something. It's not what you're thinking..."

"Clearly it is what I am thinking. Otherwise, you would have signed it already. Why is it so hard?" I inquired him.

James moved from the chair to the couch and stared at his feet, resting his elbows on his knees and said nothing.

"I am going to pack my things. I'm staying in LA." I said determined. "You go to San Francisco and live your life. Do what you want to do." I told him choking. My tears again assaulting me and betraying me.

James didn't move or tried to stop me. That was another stab in my heart. I sobbed low while I packed all my stuff. I couldn't take the pain I was feeling inside. I had been with him for a little time, nothing that I could compare with Colton for I had been years with him, but it was hurting me much more. More than I could ever imagine. When I was done, I cleaned my eyes and pushed my bags until the living room. James was still sat on the couch, in the same position.

"I hope you have a nice life. I truly do." I said. Then, I opened the door to get out, expecting him to say something to stop me, at least I hoped. "Bye..." I whispered, but he didn't move. He didn't look back, nor did he say anything.

I closed the door and walked to the elevator always expecting him to stop me, but nothing. He didn't show up and I concluded I had taken the right decision to set him free. I just left... numb and lost. The pain almost too physical. At the street, I called a cab and ordered the driver to my address.

"Miss, is everything alright?" He asked, looking at me through the rear mirror when we stopped at a traffic light. I just shook my head with tears falling down my face heavily.

"No..." I said. "Nothing is alright."

With that I ended the conversation and I guess the driver felt too uncomfortable to ask me what was happening. When he parked in front of my building, I paid him and climbed the stairs to my apartment. I took everything to my room and didn't bother to open the windows. I just tossed myself on the bed and I cried loud. I cried... I yelled... I punched the mattress. The pain was unbearable. When I calmed down, I called Diana and asked her to meet me. I needed a friend, my closest friend.

"Cleo!" She exclaimed with a horrified face when I opened the door.

I concluded I looked bad, but I just burst into tears again and she pulled me to her, holding me tight. Pulling me inside, she closed the door with a hand and the other patted my hair.

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