Chapter 5

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I left him there and joined the others on the dance floor, feeling somehow pissed off at him. Even if I wanted to deny it, the sign of the rejection was still there. I missed him. I missed his kisses. I missed the sex. I missed his strong embrace around me, his whispers in my ear. I missed the caresses and cuddling after the rush was over. Even if I tried to understand his side, I missed all that and I didn't want to miss a thing. I knew from the beginning that he was married. So, I also knew our adventure would have to stop one day, but I got carried away. I took it for granted. At first it was not that hard, but as the days and weeks went by I realized I missed having him that way and it was very hard because I always had to be around him in a way or another. Sometimes, I just wished he turned into a jerk because it would help me forget but he'd only make things harder by being such a nice guy and even tender. I thought about Colton yes, but not as much as I thought about him, and it hit me... it hit me for real...

I shook my head a bit trying to shake away the demons of my mind and continued dancing but I glanced at him and he was sat at the same spot, looking at me. His blue gaze knew no one else in there but me and I turned my face away fast. I didn't want him to see me looking at him. I didn't want him to notice that after all, he mattered. He mattered to me more that he could ever know. Waving Connie a hand, I let her know that I was quitting the night. I needed to go back to my hotel room where I'd be safe and sleep my demons away. I told the rest of the crew goodbye and began to walk my way to the door, passing by James. He grabbed my wrist with his hand, and I looked down at it and then up at his face. His hand was burning on my skin.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Back to the hotel." I answered.


I smiled. "It's at the end of the street. It's not like anything is going to happen on my way there." I told him.

Ignoring my remark, he put the bottle of water on the counter and got up.

"I'm going with you." He told me.

"You don't have to." I told him.

James simply ignored my words and we left. He didn't even bother saying goodbye to the rest of the people in there. We began our way down the street in silence. James with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans and looking down at his feet. I looked ahead, like trying to stare at the end of the street and holding all my questions inside. I didn't want to piss him off, but I had a few questions I would like to make him and they were yelling inside my head.

"Why did you ask Lars to put me as your PA?" I asked not containing my curiosity inside.

The silence was broken. Probably, with the worst of the questions as James looked up at me in disbelief.

"What?" He asked surprised.

"I know that you asked him to put me as our PA. I just want to know why?" I insisted losing the fear that had kept me quiet before.

"I did not!" He exclaimed.

"What? So, he lied?" I confronted him. James sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Because I was missing one, just because of that. What did you think?" He almost attacked me. His tone was not friendly, but I tried to remain calm.

"I didn't think anything, but you could have told me. This looked like some sort of secret and I was a little blown away when I knew about it."

I talked fast, as if not taking the words kept inside anymore. I saw his chest coming up and down fast as he breathed, he was nervous.

"He should have kept his mouth shut." James shot.

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