Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning feeling completely relaxed. It had been the first night we actually slept together and were waking up on the same bed. Before I'd always leave after a while. Even if sex is sharing intimacy at a high level, sleeping, and waking up with someone is even more intimate and before none of us were ready for that step, as circumstances didn't allow it and it wasn't even the purpose. Or we thought so.

The sun was already high in the sky. I could see it behind the curtains and I stretched in bed and yawned, preparing my body to get out of the bed. Then, I turned around and found him sleeping profoundly. James was on his back. His head turned to my side and I smiled scrutinizing his figure. I thought that moment about how attractive I found him and ran the tip of my fingers softly through his tangled hair. He stirred a bit at my touch and I pulled my hand away, and when he calmed again I put my hand back there. I loved the way his hair was unruly. Then, I bent over him and kissed his lips with mine. A single kiss wouldn't do and I kissed him again. This time I brushed my lips on his stronger and closed my eyes as I did so. When I pulled my face away and opened my eyes, he was blinking a bit and staring at me. Our gaze locked and his hand rested on the back of my neck, pulling me down on him again.

Our lips united in a morning kiss and then parted so our tongues could meet. Wrapping his free arm around my waist he pulled me over him and one of his legs wrapped around me as well. We were naked from the previous night and I felt goosebumps on my skin at the immediate contact. He could do so much to me with so little.

His hand ran down my back as we kissed, resting on my ass and he squeezed it, making me giggle against his lips. James smiled back at me, but he pulled me down again and we shared another kiss. This time more demanding. I moved and straddled him and moved my hips against him. I felt his hardness against his belly and against mine. Breaking the kiss, I raised my hips, and with a hand I grabbed his erection and I guided it inside me one more time.

"Good morning." He finally whispered as I began to rock my hips, slowly, around him.

"Morning..." I said with shaking voice and pecked him.

"Oh... Cleo..." He said closing his eyes and throwing his head back a bit in pleasure.

His hands grabbing my hips, helping me thrust and imposing the rhythm he wanted. I bent over him and kissed his neck, while running my hands softly over his chest. I bit softly on his tattooed skull and then sucked on it. James began to thrust under me, but not fast or harder, just relaxed and enjoying the moment.

"That feels good." I told him and he shot me a smile.

I didn't resist to kiss him again and our tongues danced at the rhythm of our bodies.

"I love it when you do me like that." I whispered in his ear, knowing my words would always stir him.

James rolled me over on the bed withdrawing from me. Then, he stayed on his knees in front of me, leaving me aching for him there. He ran his hands up my legs and shot me a saucy smile.

"Having fun?" I joked.

"Maybe." He responded huskily.

Then, his hands gripped on my hips and he pulled me down to him, entering me again, roughly. I arched my back in pure delight.

"I'm gonna fuck you good now." He groaned and it was my turn to smile at him.

I loved it when he said that. His pupils dilated as he thrust into me. His eyes turned from bright blue to dark blue lustful. His lips swelled a bit and parted as he was building up, but he was taking me with him.

"That's so good James..." I moaned, feeling my rush coming.

"Come for me babe..." He said resting a hand on my belly, feeling my muscles about to contract.

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