Chapter 39

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At night, the guys decided to go out for dinner but I stayed at home since I knew Willow would be sulking, disturbed by all the noise around her. My daughter and her comfort came first, so I stayed home so she could be in a calm environment. James stayed as well.

"You should have gone with them. Ever since we got here you haven't been out with them except for yesterday and even then you came back home sooner." I told him. He turned his head to look at me, ignoring the TV for a while.

"I don't mind." He said absently.

"You're on holydays James. You're supposed to have some fun. Willow doesn't need the two of us all the time. I could stay with her and you could go have gone with them." James turned his head to look at me again.

"It's not only because of Willow. I want to stay with you." He said, surprising me.

"James, two days ago we were fighting like two mad people..." I commented.

He grabbed the remote control and put the TV on mute. Then, he got up and walked up to me and got so close that I had to take a step back.

"Let me stay with her and go relax for a while." He said, taking Willow away from me. "I'll take care of dinner meanwhile."

I stared at him unable to say a word. He was confusing me. The night before, the words in the morning, the events at the beach, all messing up inside my head, and my heart was just yelling.

"James..." I called his name as he was beginning to walk away. He stopped and looked at me.

"Don't argue... don't say anything... don't make questions..." He told me. "I am here. I wanted to stay, just do whatever you feel is right with that."

"I don't know what is right." I told him. "I never know what is right when it's about you and concerning you. I heard you say you still loved me..." I confessed.

"I heard you say you loved me too..." He said and then we stared at each other in silence.

After a few seconds, I turned around and began to go upstairs. In my room, I took my clothes off and when I was going to the bathroom, he knocked on my door.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"No... I'm naked!" I yelled. Silence was heard.

"Ok..." He finally said. "Then, just hear me." He said from the outside. "I loved you all along... though I tried hard, I never stopped loving you. Gosh... I am glad the door is closed because I don't know if I could tell you all this looking at you..." He said making me smile. I leaned against the door. "Are you listening?"

"Yes..." I said.

"If we love each other don't you think we should give it a try?" He asked me.

"You hurt me too much, and sometimes when you are this hurt something disconnects... so I don't know..." I was honest.

"I didn't go to your apartment the first three weeks after Willow was born because your parents were there. I couldn't stand your father's looks, like I was some kind of criminal." He explained and I giggled.

"My father just think I am still a little girl and that you stole my dignity by abandoning me pregnant. Which isn't true at all but it's what he craved in his head. Give me some time..." I asked him.

"Is it true what you said this morning?" James asked me.

"Yes." I confessed.

"I asked you yesterday and you said you didn't know and this morning you know?"

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