Chapter 31

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I obeyed and made all the way in silence. Not that I was afraid of him, because I was not, but I was so tired of all the fighting I was tired of all the accusations and of all the stress. I was simply tired of loving him, that was it. I did not want to love him and I did.

Already at the hospital, I made my registration. My doctor was at the ER so they sent me to her. James and I had to wait a bit until I was called and still we didn't share a word while waiting. He bounced his leg up and down nervously and his breathing was heavy. His eyes were locked on the TV in front of us and not even once I saw him turning his head to look at me. It was so clear that he also didn't want to talk to me. He was maybe as tired as I was of all the yelling between us.

"Cleo Winston." A nurse spoke at the door. I got up and James did too.

"It's me." I said.

"You can come in." She told me. I began to follow the nurse and James followed me.

"You don't have to come in." I said.

"Shut the fuck up." He muttered low so the nurse wouldn't hear us.

I turned my head and open my mouth to speak and tell him that he couldn't talk to me like that, but at the same time he turned his head too and his eyes met mine.

"Not even a fucking word." He grunted.

"Asshole." I mumbled.

I know James heard me as his teeth grated but he didn't say a thing because we were arriving at the doctor's office. It didn't give him time to attack me like he was going to do.

"What's the matter Cleo?" She asked.

"I felt cramps today. Terrible pain. I could yell in pain. Then, it subsided but I thought it was better to check it out." I explained.

"Any blood?" She asked. "Amniotic liquid?"

"No... I don't think so."

"Let me check you and the baby too." She said.

As she got up, she motioned me her hand to follow her and I did so. Doctor Stevenson examined me very carefully and Willow too. Willow was also followed by James while she scanned my belly again and heard her heartbeat. There, James moved uncomfortably in his chair and several times he run his hand through his hair. He couldn't focus on her, even if he wanted, it was stronger than him. I think he felt it shoved in his face every time he had to see the little girl on the screen that he was going to have the baby he didn't want. Part of me understood him, honestly, but my other half and the stronger one, was hating him that moment.

"Everything is fine but you need to rest this week. At least this week make the little effort possible and don't be too stressed." The doctor advised me. "Did something triggered this almost labor?"

Both James and I looked down at our feet. "Did something triggered this out?" She repeated the question. We looked up at her at the same time.

"Yeah... I had a fight. I was extremely nervous and then I began to feel the pain." I said not mentioning anything else.

"You can't, Cleo." She said firmly. "You daughter could have been born premature and we want her to stay in your belly until the end."

"I know... sometimes things aren't easy, that's all." I said.

Dr. Stevenson eyed us both suspiciously. I bet she could tell the fight had been between us. It was so obvious for any stranger that we were not even looking in each other's face.

"No fights at all. No matter what!" She exclaimed. "All problems must be kept inside until she's born. After that, take care of anything you want." I nodded and James simply listened absently, or he wanted it to look like it, but I knew he was listening. "You can go home now, but please stay calm and rest a lot."

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