Chapter 38

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Around seven am my eyes opened wide almost in shock. Willow didn't cry or waken up to eat in the middle of the night as she usually did. I looked at her sleeping in the middle of us and calmed down seeing her so quiet. Maybe she was just so exhausted that didn't feel like eating, but enough was enough and even if she was sleeping, I held her and took her to the kitchen.

She whimpered a bit from having her sleep disturbed and I had to fight so she'd suck her bottle. She was just falling asleep every five seconds and continued sleeping once she was done. I came back to the bedroom after and put her down in her crib and finally was faced with the dilemma of James sleeping in my bed.

Not having the courage to wake him up and tell him to leave, I just came back to bed and pulled the sheet over us. Then, I turned my back at him and he moved a bit, coming closer. I held my breath as he did so and when I felt him sound asleep again I turned around to look at him. I had this incredible will to run my fingers through his hair and this will to kiss his slightly parted lips assaulted me too. Maybe my feelings didn't disappear after all. He stirred a bit more and I closed my eyes shut to pretend that I was sleeping and soon I felt the tip of his fingers grabbing a strand of my hair. I tried to remain as calm as possible as his fingers caressed me. Then, I felt his lips kissing my cheek really softly and pulling the sheet up to cover my shoulders.

"I still love you." He whispered, and that was just too much for me. Still pretending that I was sleeping I turned around and gave him my back again and there my eyes opened as he couldn't see it. "Cleo... are you awake?" He asked, but I remained silent.

Then, he also turned around and my eyes watered at his confession. I still loved him too. Who was I trying to fool?

"James..." I called him softly but there was no response. I turned around to him again and touched his back with the tip of my fingers. "Are you sleeping?" I asked and still there was no response from him. I guessed he was. My tears fell down my face that moment. "I love you too..." I whispered really low and then I closed my eyes to sleep a bit more as I was exhausted.

I woke up a few hours later to find the bed on his side empty already. As Willow was still sleeping, I took the chance to shower and then put on some beach and light clothes. Then, she finally whimpered ready to have her milk. I grabbed her and kissed her cheek and took her downstairs to the kitchen. James was there, in beach shorts and white tank top. His head turned around as he heard me coming in and our blue gaze locked in brief seconds.

"Hi." I said almost stuttering as I remembered him touching me in bed.

"Good morning." He said almost as a whisper as his eyes sparkled a bit while his lips showed a soft, barely perceptible smile.

We stared at each other without saying anything else, and I couldn't but wonder if he had heard what I told him. It looked like it and it left me a bit uneasy.

"Where is everybody?" I asked grabbing the can with Willow's formula powder.

"They're all down at the beach. Hurry up, the day is amazing."

"It's too hot for her." I told him.

"I made a nice shadow down there. She'll be fine, really." I looked at him surprised. He had thought about Willow. With that said, he came to take her off my arms and then tenderly kissed her. "Hi princess..." He baby talked to her.

Instead of preparing her bottle, I watched him in an awe. James sat on a stool and then I turned around preparing the baby's meal, while hearing him baby talking to her sweetly. It was melting my heart and I wasn't even looking.

"Let me give it to her." He asked when I approached him with the bottle.

I nodded and took the chance to have my own breakfast. It was a given fact, with some help things were so much easier. I sat in front of him watching him feeding Willow, but instead of looking down at her, he looked at me with that glow in his eyes.

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