Chapter 22

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"So, he hasn't said a word since then?" Diana asked me while we walked along the beach. That was the sole exercise I would do since I was 8 weeks pregnant.

"No." I said shaking my head. "It's been two weeks and nothing. Not a word about it since I called him."

"For what you told me, he seemed like he didn't believe it was his." She stated.

"I know..." I breathed deeply. "And that hurts a lot... I didn't expect him to take the news well. I didn't expect him to come running to me. I mean... it's hard to take the news when you expressed so well you didn't want to have any more kids and then your ex-girlfriend or whatever I was to him comes and tells you that she's pregnant..."

"Still Cleo, he should have said something by now." Diana commented.

"He just hung up the phone on my face and that was it. I mean... he knows now. So, my deed here is done. I just wanted him to know. If he doesn't want to be part of it then it's his problem. I can understand his head is a mess but I also expected a little bit more of respect. I expected him to ask questions, ask for explanations... I don't know... but I expected something and he did nothing... he just shut up, disappeared..."

"And are you ok?" We stopped walking as she asked me that question. I offered her a smile.

"I am." I nodded. "I don't know how, but I am ok. I wished this was all different. The least, that we just separated and that was it. This pregnancy happened making things a lot worse. I have a piece of him inside of me and it hurts to know he doesn't care, not for me... no... but the baby... even if he didn't want it, it's his..." I whispered in the end.

"I understand what mean." Diana smiled back at me.

"You do?"

"Yes." She nodded. "The least you expected him to still care about his kid."

"It's his baby after all..." I shrugged.

"Give him some time. Maybe he just needs time to process it in his mind." Diana told me.

I nodded and we continued or walking. The end of the afternoon was warm and the sun was setting on the sea giving the sky that orange color that anticipated another hot day to come.

I came back home walking alone as Diana was closer to her house. My conversation with her made me relive my conversation with James over the phone two weeks before and his sarcastic laugh echoed inside my head. It was so obvious he doubted my word and that was for real what triggered my resentment inside. I had already learned to love that baby and it cost me horrors to know he was just ignoring it. But then the baby was inside of me and not inside of him and I guessed that made things a lot different.

"Hi Simon." I tapped my neighbor's dog head while I climbed to my apartment on the first floor.

"There's someone at your door." Ray told me and I curled an eyebrow at him.

"Really?" I asked surprised for I was not expecting anyone.

"Really." Ray told me with a smile.

"See you, Ray." I said rushing upstairs.

When I got there, I found a familiar figure standing at my door. My heart skipped a beat as he looked deeply into my eyes with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans.

"Hi." I said almost choking.

"I think we need to talk." James told me in a low tone.

I could feel him insecure as well. So, I just nodded and he strayed while I put the key in my locker. My hands were shaking a bit, so it took me a while to be able to turn the key and the moment I did it, I opened the door and motioned my head at him so he could get inside my humble house. James got inside without looking at me and still I felt him really nervous. Forgetting about being polite and offer him something to drink, I just guided him to the couch and told him to sit. I sat on a chair right in front of him and we looked at each other in silence. It may have been just a few seconds but it seemed like an eternity to me.

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