Chapter 34

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Six weeks flew fast, faster than I was prepared for...

I found myself in hospital getting ready for the surgery to deliver my daughter almost in a blink of an eye and despite my fear, I wasn't there alone. James, as he promised, and my parents were there with me, but that revealed to be a hard task for me. My father, who had talked to James when they had visited me in San Francisco, kept eyeing him suspiciously, like he was some type of criminal, and James, though trying to deal with it, was feeling uncomfortable. I knew every moment in there was being hard for him, with Willow being be born, the baby he didn't want and my father judging him mentally, James had his mind crushed and the way he puffed and paced around the bedroom impatiently showed that.

When the doctor came to take me to the ER, my parents kissed my forehead and James began his way with me. Not a word was shared between me and him nor between him and my parents. I hoped that would be a happy day for me, but the air was too thin to breathe. I almost thought it had been a mistake to put them all together in the same room, as it only increased my anxiety. As it wouldn't be enough having to deal with a labor, I also had to deal with the hostility my father threw at James every second he looked at him. Knowing James is short fused, I thought that at one point  he was going to explode, but he held it all together.

"It's gonna be alright." He told me.

"Thanks for holding on." I told him. James gave me a smile.

"Your old man wants to kill me." He chuckled a little.

"Let him be. He's just too overprotective. He always have been."

Surprisingly, James bent over me and kissed my forehead when our ways had to separate.

"I'll be watching from there." He said pointing at some glassed space. I just nodded. My heart was just racing too much to give him a coherent response.

Already in the ER, I chose to be put down to sleep to which the anesthetist agreed since I was too nervous, and once the liquid was poured in my catheter there was not much I could tell. My eyes closed instants after and I shut down to the world.

I woke up hours later feeling dizzy and terribly thirsty, but fully aware my baby was no longer inside of me and anxious to see her. As I opened my eyes, I realized it was already dark, because I could see the darkness of the night through the window near my bed. Then, I felt my mother's hand in mine.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me with a sweet smile.

"I am thirsty." I complained feeling my mouth too dry. My mother gave me a glass of water that I gulped in seconds. James wasn't there anymore.

"Do you want to see her?" She asked me then. "Your father almost cried. He's gone to your place. He was feeling tired. She's so beautiful."

My eyes watered as my mother spoke about my little princess and my head nodded. I wanted to see her and hold her.

I saw my mother walk until the tiny crib that was a few meters away from me, and then she raised a tiny thing out of it, making my tears fall down instantly. I was seeing Willow for the first time. Her little eyes opened as she had her sleep disturbed and she cried a little, but the moment she was put in my arms and I held her close against me, she stopped. Her eyes were light blue, I could see as she stared at nothing. Her little hands were clenched as if she was still inside my belly. I bent over her and kissed her forehead. Her baby smell intoxicated me in a very good way, and for the first time I experienced  real mother's love. I already loved her but that very moment when I held her in my arms, everything was so real, and so overwhelming.

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