chapter 17

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I woke up early. I could barely sleep. My temples hurt a bit and seeing James was sound asleep, I dragged my tired body off the bed carefully not to wake him up. I needed an awakening shower. My naked body began to regain life under the warm water and I stayed under the spray hoping it washed away the bad feelings I had. The fear I felt. Then, I felt warm arms holding me from behind and somehow a smile formed on my lips.

James pulled me to him and bit my shoulder. He had woken up ready to some fun, I could tell by the way he then kissed my neck. I tilted my head back against his chest while he feasted on it.

"Morning." He mumbled in between kisses and soft bites.

"Hi." I breathed while I felt his arms turning me around to him.

I obeyed. James bent over me and kissed me eagerly. I felt his already hard member against my belly. He was surely up to it and I was ready to give it to him.

"Why did you leave the bed so early?" He asked patting my wet hair back.

"I needed a shower." I said.

His lips searched for mine again. First, he planted soft kisses and then the kiss became more demanding, and my own lips parted to receive his intruding, lustful tongue.

While sharing that kiss, and while our tongues played together teasingly, he took his hands to my waist and began to pull me against the wall. I shivered when my back touched the cold tiles and my body tensed. James held me against him until I could cope with the cold and then tried again. I remained there, against the tiles and his hand reached my intimate parts.

"Oh..." I moaned as his fingers worked on the bundle of nerves.

His lips searched for mine once more, and his hands tugged under my butt, pulling me up after. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he entered me easily. The kiss broke and he gasped against my neck when he tilted the end.

Contradicting my thoughts, he didn't vent and ran to come. Instead, his thrusts were slow. His hands tugged on my hips firmly. The tip of his fingers carved on my skin in need. He kissed my collar bone. Then he kissed my neck and I lowered my face a little so he could kiss my lips. A gasp escaped my throat and he sighed before our lips glued for a quick kiss. James breathed against my lips and his blue gaze was locked in mine. Then, he pecked me again and went lower to kiss the side of my neck. One of my hands tugged on his hair, and the other caressed around his shoulder. His teeth caught my ear lobe and he played with it for a while, making me giggle, I strayed.

"Come here." He told me. "Oh baby..." He groaned a little resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you." I told him.

He didn't respond, instead he just placed a kiss on my lips. Feeling my pleasure increasing, I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. James's pace went faster in response. His hips began to pump me harder. He was rushing for his own pleasure as well. The tickling sensation between my legs forming. My lower belly contracting. My legs began to get numb.

"Oh..." I moaned feeling my orgasm closer and closer.

James carved his teeth on my shoulder. "Why do you always feel this good? Why?" He growled in my ear.

Somehow, I sensed some frustration in his words, and my pleasure abandoned me that very second. I pulled his face up to look at me and our gaze met, but he was far gone. Avoiding my questioning look, he kissed me fiercely and it was during that kiss that his body jerked in ecstasy. He thrust lazily until he was done and then he opened his eyes to find mine still waiting for an explanation. Slowly, he put me down.

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