Chapter 6

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The next day I went to the beach with Lars and Connie to profit a bit of the summer and Barcelona beaches were amazing. The sea was bright blue and calm, and the water's temperature was delightfully warm. James didn't show up for breakfast or was anywhere to be found and as time passed by people began to comment his absence. It wasn't normal, not if he was on tour alone, as it was the case, he'd always joined for his meals.

Though I was having a great time I could not ignore the fact that he wasn't there. First I thought that it was ok, maybe he was just trying to avoid me, as we had that awkward conversation, but then I also knew that, despite that, he'd show up, maybe he would avoid talking to me, but he would show up. I felt something was not right and began to worry. I became a little distant, just letting the couple talk amongst themselves, distracted from the conversation and began to try to call James. I tried a couple of times, no answer and then I texted him, but he never texted back.

"Lars, did you see James this morning?" I asked putting my cell back in my beach bag.

"No, I told you I didn't." He said. I sat on my towel and looked at the sea, just thinking.

"Maybe he just wants some time alone." Connie retorted. I looked at her.

"Yeah..." I said absently.

"Were you two fighting last night?" Lars asked.

"No, we were just talking. I am going to try to call him again, maybe something is wrong." I said grabbing the cell again. Lars caught my hand and looked in my eyes.

"What's the matter between you two?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said firmly. Connie got up saying she was going to the shore, leaving the two of us alone.

"He asked me to make you his PA, I assume he wanted you to be around him."

"Like I said before, because he was the only person I knew here, maybe he thought I would feel more comfortable that way."

"Say that again without stuttering Cleo." Lars smiled, making me laugh.

"I am telling the truth."

"It's none of my business but I know something else was going on. James is not the type of guy that makes special requests and he was very straight forward, he wanted that specific job for you. One can also notice some intimacy between you too."

"Lars you know my story, you know why I came here." I looked away and hope I didn't stutter this time. It bothered me to talk about James, because it was not an easy situation, not for me or him.

Lars went silent and I took the chance to call James again, still no answer. "Ok...this is really weird; he usually answers the phone." I said.

"Are you in love with him Cleo?" Lars asked and his question made me shudder.

I had never been confronted with that matter until the other night at the club. I refused to think about it or asked myself that question ever since. It stayed buried in my deepest and unreachable thoughts.

"No..." I said but the cell began to rang at the same time and I almost jumped seeing James's name on my display. "Oh... It's James..." I said before picking up the call. "James..." I said.

"Sorry. I was sleeping, I didn't see your calls until now." He told me. James sounded sleepy indeed, but he also sounded like he was in pain, and it wasn't normal that he was still sleeping at 1pm.

"Are you alright? I was getting worried." I said. "Is everything ok with you?"

"I am not feeling alright." He said.

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